
Practical Deep Learning for Coders (fast.ai courses)

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook



Script to automatically setup an AWS spot instance and mount with existing volume

git clone https://github.com/jonas-pettersson/fast-ai
cd fast-ai/scripts/

Please carefully read the comments in setup_aws_spot_w_remount.sh
Then you are ready to run:
. setup_aws_spot_w_remount.sh

Script to automatically remove the AWS spot instance

Please carefully read the comments in remove_aws_spot.sh
Then you are ready to run:

Manual process to setup spot instance from scratch

1) Request Spot Instance
AWS Console -> (Login) -> EC2 Dashboard -> Spot Requests "Request Spot Instances"
(only changed parameters shown - leave rest as default)

Request type: Request
AMI: Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS (HVM)
Instance type: p2.xlarge (delete c3.,...)
Set your max price: e.g. 0.3

Instance store: attach at launch
EBS volumes / Size: 32 GiB
Security groups: default
(Next / Review)

May need to change the security group settings if cannot login to instance:
AWS Console -> (Login) -> EC2 Dashboard -> Instances
Select instance -> Security Groups -> "default" (or which ever you are using)
Tab "Inbound" -> Edit

Type: SSH
Protocol: TCP
Port Range: 22

Type: TCP
Protocol: TCP
Port Range: 8888-8898

2) Configure SSH
in cygwin:

cd ~/.ssh
emacs config

copy / paste the HostName (Public DNS) of AWS instance

Now it can look something like this:
Host aws-p2
HostName ec2-35-166-166-129.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com
User ubuntu
IdentityFile "~/.ssh/aws-key.pem"

3) Login
in cygwin:

ssh aws-p2

4) Setup AWS Instance
on aws-instance:
git clone https://github.com/jonas-pettersson/fast-ai
(this is my own version of https://github.com/fastai/courses/ including own work)


for the part II of the course, using python 3 and tensorflow, use this script INSTEAD of above:

(check if nvidia gpu is working)

5) Setup for Kaggle Competition
You may need to logout from the AWS instance and login again at this stage.
(for all paths from .bashrc to take effect)

on aws-instance:

from here you can use tmux for convenience

kg config -g -u "your_kaggle_username" -p "your_kaggle_password" -c "your_kaggle_competition"
cd ~/fast-ai/data/dogs-cats-redux

(this is a setup script for kaggle, setting up directories, creating
validation set, sample sets etc:

6) Transfer Files
need to transfer the files from your local machine using rsync, e.g.
in cygwin:
rsync -avp --progress dogs-cats-redux-model.h5 aws-p2:~/fast-ai/data/dogs-cats-redux/models
This takes some time unfortunately and is the drawback of the spot-instance approach. Best is to consider carefully what is really need.

7) Start Working
on aws-instance:

cd fast-ai
jupyter notebook

8) Save Results
After work is done transfer the model(s) back with rsync:
in cygwin:
rsync -avp --progress aws-p2:~/fast-ai/data/dogs-cats-redux/models/dogs-cats-redux-model.h5 .
May also want to save notebooks / scripts etc. to GitHub
on aws-instance:

git add ...
git commit -m "..."
git push origin master

9) Terminate Instance
Make sure everything saved
AWS Console -> (Login) -> EC2 Dashboard -> Spot Requests -> Actions ->
cancel spot request + check box "Terminate instances"
Check in EC2 Dashboard -> Instances that instance is terminated


This is to setup the data directories for learning according to the directory structure in fast.ai-course.

  1. download files from kaggle
  2. unzip
  3. create directories
  4. move some files from training to validation directory
  5. copy some files to sample directories

validation-size and sample-size are parameters

USAGE: ./setup_kg.sh [validation-size] [sample-size]