
Letseventsource Node Template

Primary LanguageJavaScriptBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

les node template


Getting started

Install node modules

yarn install

Start the api and web

yarn start

API are located at: http://localhost:3001/

Run the tests

yarn test



You can choose between: ges (Greg's EventStore) or memes (in-memory).


You can configure the API to use EventStore.

Change the eventStore section of your config file to:

"eventStore": {
  "type": "ges",
  "endPoint": "tcp://localhost:1113",
  "credentials": {"username": "admin", "password": "changeit"}


  • Download tar.gz archive from the website
  • Untar the archive (tar -zxvf thearchive.tar.gz) in the folder of your choice
  • CD into extracted subfolder (EventStore-OSS-XXX-vX.X.X)
  • Start the eventstore
    • ./run-node.sh --memdb --run-projections=all (start event store)
  • Web interface at http://localhost:2113
    • login: admin pass: changeit (defaults)


You can configure the API to store events in memory.

Change the eventStore section of your config file to:

"eventStore": {
  "type": "memes"

Read model storage

You can choose between: memdb (In memory), LevelDB, Postgres


You can configure the API to store read models in memory.

Change the readModelStore value of your config file to:

"readModelStore": "memdb"


You can configure the API to store read models with LevelDB.

Change the readModelStore value and add leveldb section in your config file to:

"readModelStore": "leveldb",
"leveldb": {
  "dbDir": "/path/to/leveldb/storage/dir"


You can configure the API to store read models with Postgres.

Change the readModelStore value and add postgres section in your config file to:

"readModelStore": "postgres",
"postgres": {
  "host": "localhost",
  "port": 5432,
  "database": "vanillacqrs",
  "user": "vanillacqrs",
  "password": "vanillacqrs"