
This tool POSTs fake data to a website, and it's intended to be used in phishing websites, where credentials are stolen from the users by showing a replica of the original website.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

PhisherTroller: Tool to troll phishers with fake data

This tool is intended to be used in phishing websites, where credentials are stolen from the users by showing a replica of the original website.

DISCLAIMER: I am NOT responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this program. Use this tool at your own risk and under your responsibility!

What is PhisherTroller?

PhisherTroller is a Python tool to POST fake data (generated with Faker) to a phishing website, in order to confuse the phisher.

Here is a small example to troll a phisher:

foo@bar:~$ python3 troller.py -u http://phishing-url.com/post.php -fu username -fp password


You need Python 3 to run PhisherTroller, as well as the following PIP dependencies:

  • requests
  • urllib3
  • Faker


Clone the repository:

foo@bar:~$ git clone https://github.com/UngarMax/PhisherTroller.git

Access the cloned repository directory:

foo@bar:~$ cd PhisherTroller

Install the required dependencies:

foo@bar:~$ pip install -r requirements.txt



  1. Go to the phishing website and open Chrome's Developer Tools.
  2. Find out the username/email input's name.
  3. Find out the password input's name.
  4. Find out the form's action path.
  5. Execute the trolling tool passing the form action path, username input name and password input name (and specify a miliseconds delay between each request, if you will):
foo@bar:~$ python3 troller.py -u http://phishing-url.com/path/to/post.php -fu username_input_name -fp password_input_name -d 1000



Usage: troller.py [-h] -u URL -fu FORM_USER -fp FORM_PASSWORD
                            [-d DELAY]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u URL, --url URL     URL to POST fake data
  -fu FORM_USER, --form-user FORM_USER
                        Form input's name for username or email field
  -fp FORM_PASSWORD, --form-password FORM_PASSWORD
                        Form input's name for password field
  -d DELAY, --delay DELAY
                        Delay between each request, in miliseconds


PhisherTroller is licensed under the terms of the MIT License (see the file LICENSE).