This repository contains scripts for building customized Raspbian image for Raspberry Pi.
Prebuilt images for your Raspberry Pi are available in Releases – just pick a ZIP file from the Latest release.
Installation procedure is the same as for original Raspbian image which is described here.
Images are automatically built on Travis CI.
Our image is built with the same scripts as the “official” one, with the following modifications:
Default name servers changed to:,, 2001:4860:4860::8888, 2001:1488:800:400::130.
Hostname changed from
. -
Locale changed from
. -
Keymap changed from
English (UK)
toEnglish (US) - English (US, international with dead keys)
. -
Timezone changed from
. -
OpenSSH daemon enabled by default and removed
AcceptEnv LANG LC_*
. -
Added third-party repositories:
Similar installations, as described in the documentation
Ports and services:
- 80: port forwarding to 8080
- 1880: Node-RED
- 1883: Mosquitto mqtt
- 8080: http-server (static contet from /var/www)
- 9001: Mosquitto websocket
Installed additional packages:
- mosquitto
- mosquitto-clients
- nodejs
- python3-pip
- python3-venv
- dfu-util
- git
- htop
- mc
- tmux
Installed via npm:
- pm2
- node-red
- node-red-dashboard
- node-red-contrib-ifttt
- node-red-contrib-blynk-ws
- ubidots-nodered (Node Red plugin)
- http-server
Installed via pip3:
- bcg
- bcf
- bch
Made with ❤ by HARDWARIO s.r.o. in the heart of Europe.