
When is it favorable to do two-step or one-pot coupled enzyme reactions?


Robert's Farm of Ideas: 6 -- Breakeven point of coupled enzyme reactions

DOI of this idea License: CC BY 4.0

This idea in short

Depending on the equilibrium constants and the desired conversions, it is (theoretically) more favorable to perform an coupled enzyme reaction of form

AB + X = B + AX 
             AX + C = AC + X

in two steps (i.e. AB + X = B + AX, with workup of AX, and subsequent AX + C = AC + X reaction), or in one pot (as above).

This idea is about outlining when this point is reached for an arbitrary combination of reactions.

Sounds great, but...

You are interested in this topic? But the idea is gibberish and incomplete, or non-sense? Well, you're probably right!

All of this is work in progress -- I would be very happy if you get in touch so we can improve this!

How to Use

You are free to use this idea in whatever way you like. I put this material under CC-BY license, just to make it legally clear, but: "Gedanken sind frei" (ideas are free) -- I don't expect them to be protectable anyway.

About this Farm of Ideas

This "Farm of Ideas" is supposed to store ideas I would like to develop into scientific progress some day, and to store their progression from initial idea being had, over keeping them alive, to growing them into something real and then "harvesting".

If you are faster in developing them, I am happy with you and for the world! :) Just to avoid me having spend time on something you already realized then, I would be grateful for a short letting-me-know email.

About me

See https://robert-giessmann.de.