
A WebGL animation engine.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Animus Dual-Quaternion Animation Engine
Robert Dionne
February 25, 2012

Animus is an animation engine, written in WebGL, that uses dual quaternions (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dual_quaternion) for the translations and rotations of the joints. Currently, it supports posing a character with vertices skinned to single joint, but will eventually support skinning to multiple joints and animated motion.

Video: http://goo.gl/kTI4U OR https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B5t1j58WWjsiNjA1YWQ4NTgtYWFiNi00YzUxLThkYWYtNjMyNGIyMTQ5NWYy/edit

1) Macbook Pro running Mac OS X Snow Leopard.
2a) Google Chrome 17.0.963.56 or better: http://www.google.com/chrome
2b) Mozilla Firefox 10.0.2 or better: http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/new/

1) Visit http://robertsdionne.github.com/animus/ in Google Chrome 17 or Mozilla Firefox 10.

  W - Move forward.
  S - Move backward.
  A - Move left.
  D - Move right.
  Q - Move up.
  Z - Move down.

  UP - Pitch up.
  DOWN - Pitch down.
  LEFT - Yaw left.
  RIGHT - Yaw right.
  < - Roll left.
  > - Roll right.

  J - Step animation backward in time.
  K - Step animation forward in time.