
Asteroids on a 3D Torus.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Robert Dionne
February 25, 2012

Astoroids is an attempt to reimplement the game Asteroids but mapped to the surface of a torus. The original game of Asteroids wraps the edges of the screen, which makes the square of the game environment homeomorphic to a torus. I wanted to see how the game would feel when rendered on a torus instead of a square. Currently, the mapping I use deforms the ship depending on where you are on the surface, but I'd like to eventually implement a mapping with the correct surface geometry to keep scales uniform across the surface, using techniques from differential geometry.

Video: http://goo.gl/hWc8p OR https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B5t1j58WWjsiYWMxZDY2ZWUtYWU5Ni00NmY1LWI0MTctMzM0Y2I0NDJhOWQ3/edit

1) Macbook Pro running Mac OS X Snow Leopard.
2a) Google Chrome 17.0.963.56 or better: http://www.google.com/chrome
2b) Mozilla Firefox 10.0.2 or better: http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/new/

1a) Visit http://robertsdionne.github.com/astoroids/ in Google Chrome 17 or Mozilla Firefox 10.
1b) Visit http://robertsdionne.github.com/astoroids/flat.html in Google Chrome 17 or Mozilla Firefox 10 for a traditional square view.

  UP - Move ship foward.
  LEFT - Yaw ship left.
  RIGHT - Yaw ship right.
  SPACE - Shoot ship gun.