A base for Bloc frontend projects.
Configuring this project should be consistent across Nitrous, Mac (local), and Vagrant.
Start by cloning the repository
$ git clone https://github.com/Bloc/base-frontend-project.git <your-frontend-project-name>
The project uses Grunt to run tasks (detailed below); start by installing the Grunt Command Line Interface (grunt-cli
) globally on your machine.
$ npm install -g grunt-cli
Once that's complete, install the remaining project dependencies by running
$ npm install
This project base uses Grunt to serve, build and watch project files in development. We've configured Grunt to work for you, but if you're interested in learning more about how Grunt works, look at Grunt's Getting Started Guide or watch Egghead's introduction to Grunt video.
Run the application using
$ grunt
The application runs on port 3000 (configured in the Gruntfile.js
). To change the port, modify the number highlighted below
connect: {
server: {
options: {
// Change this value here to the desired port number
port: 3000,
hostname: 'localhost',
base: './dist',
useAvailablePort: true
| |__index.html
| |__styles.scss
| |__app.js
| |__home.html
Grunt looks for files using a defined pattern so that it knows what to compile and copy and where to put it. To edit the files that Grunt watches, look at the array of files in the watch
task in Gruntfile.js
. The default watched files are
files: [
Add any files or directories to Grunt's watch task using the Grunt conventions for performing file operations.
Make sure that all of your Sass files are included in the sass
directory. When you create new Sass files in addition to styles.scss
, make sure that you include them in styles.scss
with an @import
statement. For example, if you create a home.scss
file to match our home.html
template, include it in styles.scss
@import "home";
and it will be automatically populated in the compiled CSS file when you save any Sass file.
The pages
directory is where you should keep application layouts. That is, these are full pages where you'll put a base HTML structure that might hold a ui-view
or another dynamic block of HTML based on differing routes, app states, etc.
Templates are partials, or smaller sets of HTML that will be populated into the pages. The distinction is similar to the differene between index.html
and the HTML files in the templates
directory in Bloc Jams.
A list of the plugins used by Grunt and what they're used for.
Browserify allows you to access Node modules included a given JS file while in the browser.
Grunt Sass for compiling Sass into CSS.
Autoprefixer allows you to write CSS free of worrying about vendor prefixes. No need to add -webkit
, -moz
, -ms
, etc to the beginning of your CSS3, because the Grunt Autoprefixer task takes care of it for you.
Grunt watch watches an array of files for changes and then executes Grunt tasks when a change is detected. Watch is useful for tasks like continuous unit testing (every time you save a file, that new file is tested), refreshing your browser automatically when changes are reflected, or compiling preprocessing languages like Sass or Jade into CSS or HTML.
Grunt copy allows you to copy files from development folders like images, fonts or other static assets and put them in the folder that will be served on the frontend of your application.
Grunt clean "cleans" or removes all files in your destination folder (the folder where you'll put your officially served content for your application) so that logic in your stylesheets, templates or scripts isn't accidentally overridden by previous code in the directory.
Grunt Hapi is a task that runs a server using HapiJS
. Happy is a Node Web Application framework with robust configuration options. Using Hapi allows us to use Angular for our application routing instead of relying on a backend to handle template requests.