Server Configurations

This repository contains a series of server configurations and files in the form of Ansible playbooks.

Getting Started

The ONETIME commands bootstrap the rest of the configuration by setting their values in the .bashrc.

# ONETIME: set the ansible vault password in a local file to access ansible-vault encrypted values
vim .vault_password
# ONETIME: tell ansible to look in the .vault_password file for the password to the vault
export ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE="./.vault_pass"
# ONETIME: set ansible_ssh_control_path to deal with 2 factor, becomes useful after the .ssh/config is configured
export ANSIBLE_SSH_CONTROL_PATH="$HOME/.ssh/.control_channels/%%h:%%p:%%r"
# ONETIME: configure the laptop to configure the .ssh/config
ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini site.yml -l laptop -t shellconfig

After that commands can be run like this

# logon to 2 factor machines to establish control path
ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini site.yml


Systems are divided into machines their various administrative domains. Additionally these helper groups exist:

  • admin A machine that I have admin rights over
  • work A machine that I use for work
  • hpc A machine or group of machines with a home directory on a shared filesystem


Variables are organized into:

  • $role/defaults/main.yml if there is a reasonable default, these tend to be laptop focused.
  • group_vars if something needs to be done special for a group (e.g. HPC machines with a shared filesystem and small home directories)
  • host_vars if something needs to be done special for a machine (e.g. path to the GPU driver libraries and architecture)
  • group_vars/all if it contains private information that require encryption (e.g. tokens)


Currently this just has my dotfiles, but I would like to expand it soon include services running on my server


The dotfiles role setups all commands and configurations that I would like to have everywhere and do not require admin access to install. Currently it configures:

  • home directory
  • editor
    • neovim
  • shell commands
    • bash+starship+fzf
    • zoxide
    • fd-find
    • du-dust
  • development tools
    • sccache
    • git+git-lfs+difftastic
    • dagger
    • gdb+mpigdb
  • package managers
    • spack
    • cargo
    • mamba


  • nvim -- setup neovim and make it useable
  • mamba -- setup mamba and make it useable
  • spack -- setup spack and make it ready to configure (spack config files are complex, holding off for now)
  • shell -- setup the shell and make it minimum viable with starship and fzf (implies shellconfig)
  • shellcmd -- setup additional shell commands
  • shellconfig -- just configuration files


  • 2024-03-07 -- manage dotfiles