Credential stuffing detection microservice


PUT /detect

Body form-data:

  • email | string
  • event_name | string
  • ip | string

Possible feedback:

  • Success:
    "detected_attack": false/true
  • If wrong parameters passed:
    "errors": {
      "email": [
        "can't be blank"
      "event_name": [
        "can't be blank"
      "ip": [
        "can't be blank"

Setup locally (development)

Make sure your console uses right environment as default

export RACK_ENV=development

Use .env.example to set environmental variables:

POSTGRES_PASSWORD # in production only

Start service locally:

bundle exec rackup -p 3000

Before commit

Set up overcommit to make sure your code is clean :) :

gem install overcommit
bundle install --gemfile=.overgems.rb
overcommit --install

Then you can commit your changes! And don't forget to run specs before:

bundle exec rspec

Docker (production)

Prepare env file:

cp .env.docker.example .env.docker


docker-compose build

Set up database and load sample data (for performance test):

docker-compose run web rake db:create db:migrate db:seed

Start containers and check localhost:8080:

docker-compose up

Shut down containers:

docker-compose down

Apache Bench performance tests

If we have docker running properly we can do following performance test:

ab -k -n 10000 -c 100 -u benchmark_data.json -T form-data http://localhost:8080/detect

(If above command does not work you can install it on mac using brew brew install homebrew/apache/ab)

Tests results

Each address has 1 event
Each event has 50 emails and 250 requests

To prepare sample data run rake db:seed locally or docker-compose run web rake db:seed on docker

Number of Addresses seeded Requests [#/sec] (mean)
1 469.39
10 449.21
100 443.00
1 000 400.36
10 000 396.71

Slowest areas analysis:

Best way to detect slowest queries in app is to use services like Scout or New Relic. But we can clearly theoretically we can expect some parts to be slow and that some day they need to be improved as traffic grows.

  • Address is the first element searched in database. As far as traffic is low (and we have below 10 million rows in table) it should not be an issue. As records are searched by ip, index should be changed to inet_ops.

  • Event is currently mainly searched by index in foreign_key address_id and it's name. One address probably never has many events but to improve seach we may compbine index consisting address_id and name

  • Email this table may grow quickly and cause performance issues in the future. First of all we should add index for event_id, last_detected_at and event_id, value. Secondly, we should consider removing old data if no longer are necessary.

  • Request this table is the biggest issue in the app as it grows constantly with traffic and it grows more than any other table. As in email table we should consider adding index event_id, detected_at and deleting old data.

  • In case of banned address we should consider not saving any further data about it's requests.


Following constants can be set by adding them to .env or .env.docker

Env name Default value Description
IP_BAN_TIME 30 (sec) X how long an IP is banned in seconds
IP_REQUESTS_LIMIT 10 Y limit one IP can make event in period of time (Z)
SAMPLE_PERIOD 5 (sec) Z period of time in seconds in which limits (Y) and (N) cannot be reached
IP_EMAILS_LIMIT 2 N emails limit used to cause IP ban

To improve

  • Only data not older than 5 seconds ago in table inputs are usable, it may be useful removing older ones
  • How can we handle DDoS Attack?
  • IP validation
  • Is it worth running if address is already banned?
  • Below warnings seems to me sinatra issues
Rails backports are deprecated.
/Users/robertz/.rbenv/versions/2.7.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/sinatra-contrib- warning: Using the last argument as keyword parameters is deprecated; maybe ** should be added to the call
/Users/robertz/.rbenv/versions/2.7.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/sinatra- warning: The called method `compile!' is defined here