
REST JSONP server for <angular/> using mojolicious and CouchDB

Primary LanguagePerl

REST JSONP server using mojolicious for <angular/>

<angular/>: Complex web apps made simple

mojolicious: the web in the box!

This is my attempt to implement REST API described at:


using CouchDB HTTP view API


to provide storage for experimenting with local datasets using angular $resource API.
You can also query CouchDB views $xhr("JSON", ...) in angular through angular-server.pl

At it's current stage it provides support for angular $resource get, query and $save


Data can also be serve static json files stored in:


which can be used to provide data using external stand-alone scripts.

Replication of data between instances using angular REST API can be done with:

	# create local CouchDB database
	$ curl -X PUT http://localhost:5984/demo

	$ ./angular-replicate.pl \
		http://dpavlin.getangular.com/data/conference \

Replication is currently good only for initial import of data since it doesn't
support incremental replication and dies if data is allready present.


	$ git submodule init
	$ git submodule update

Optionally build angular to get single file download

	$ cd public/angular
	$ rake compile
	$ cd -

Start it with:

	$ ./angular-server.pl daemon --reload  

Angular examples available:

- template/Cookbook - examples from wiki working against github version of angular
- template/conferece - conference submission example using mojolicious REST API server
- public/app/conference - new application layout with latest example confernce submission

	$ curl -X PUT http://localhost:5984/conference/_design/symposium \
		-d @public/app/conference/_design/symposium

CouchDB examples:

	couchdb-changes.pl - simple _changes feed watcher using Mojo::UserAgent documented at


	couchdb-trigger.pl - FSM document with hook for user-defiend triggers

		trigger/shell.pm - execute shell commands
		trigger/email.pm - skeleton for sending e-email
		trigger/KinoSearch.pm - full-text search

	$ curl -X PUT http://localhost:5984/demo

	$ ./couchdb-trigger.pl http://localhost:5984/demo trigger/shell.pm

	$ curl -X POST http://localhost:5984/demo/ -H 'Content-type:application/json' -d \
		'{"trigger":{"command":"notify-send \"CouchDB trigger notify example\""}}'

	couchdb-external-kinosearch.pl - external searcher for KinoSearch indexes
		(configuration for CouchDB is included at end of file)

	$ ./couchdb-trigger.pl http://localhost:5984/demo trigger/KinoSearch.pm

	$ curl -X PUT http://localhost:5984/demo/text -d '{"text":"foobar bla bla"}'

	$ curl 'http://localhost:5984/demo/_kinosearch?include_docs=true;q=foobar'


+ implement angular-server.pl which implements REST API supported by $resource in angular
+ persistency to local CouchDB, and use views to query data
+ implement CouchDB _changes and FSM inside document as base for queue or triggers
- tests