Spock Extensions


Used on a File property of a spec class this annotation will cause a temporary directory to be created and injected before each feature method is run and destroyed afterwards. If the field is @Shared the directory is only destroyed after all feature methods have run. You can have as many such fields as you like in a single spec, each will be generated with a unique name.

Temporary directories are created inside java.io.tmpdir.

This is useful when testing a class that reads from or writes to a location on disk.


class MySpec extends Specification {

	@TempDirectory File myTempDir

	def diskStore = new DiskStore()

	def "disk store writes bytes to a file"() {
		diskStore.baseDir = myTempDir
		diskStore.targetFilename = "foo"

		diskStore << "some text"

		new File(myTempDir, "foo").text == "some text"
