
Primary LanguagePython


Craps Table, Grayscale

Intro Screen

Craps Table, Color

Mid-Game Bet Menu

Settings Menu

Quit Screen

Matthew Page



-To play, using python 3, run from command line:

python3 main.py


main.py - main game file

README.md - this file

data/save/userdata.p - user data is stored here

data/save/config.p - config settings for game

data/save/default_config.p - default settings for recovery

data/graphics/graphics.py - ASCII art for game

data/sounds/tonight.wav - intro sound when game starts NOTE: This file is probably copyrighted and is merely a placeholder until I can find a substitute,

data/sounds/proleter-throwitback.wav - song in credits, ProleteR - Throw It Back (feat. Task Rok) NOTE: This file is probably copyrighted and is merely a placeholder until I can find a substitute,

data/sounds/diceroll.wav - sound effect for dice rolls

data/sounds/aww.wav - sound effect for shooter losing

data/sounds/applause.wav - sound effect for shooter winning

data/sounds/claps.wav - sound effect for shooter winning

data/sounds/winsound.wav - sound effect for any other bet winning

data/sounds/chips.wav - sound effect for any other bet winning

data/images - screenshots for README


Finally fixed the issue I was having with Windows music playing in the background. Resolved by using subprocess.Popen(), now game works virtually the same in Windows and Linux


More modification of credits and adding a song to the credits reel.


Added credits option to mostly credit myself for fun, but throw in a couple of my friends and family for helping with this uncompleted project for testing and whatnot.


Been working on trying to fix music bug in Windows to no avail. Been trying multiple powershell commands Start-Job, Start-Process, etc to try to run the menu music in the background. As it stand this works in Linux without a hitch but in Windows it will play the music in its entirety before executing the rest of the code which actually loads the menu. Also added a default config file for which to use to recover config settings if the system being played on does not happen to have sound or color capability without editing the code, just need to copy data/save/default.config.p to data/save/config.p this also will resolve any issues with people who may have an earlier version of my settings menu and get errors when starting after pulling to current. (As if anyone other than my immediate family and friends are even playing this game, LOL :D )


Been experimenting with making my randomness for my dice rolls even more random. This has concluded now with using instead of random.SystemRandom() exclusively as I was before, I am now creating a composite of an integer generated by that method alongside the username of the player where each character is converted to its ASCII code and added together, along with the players current bankroll, a timestamp, and the previous dice result, all of these added together on each dice roll to be the seed number for random.seed() function. Haven't tested this extensively yet, but I wanted to see how much randomness I could get into my dice rolls. From a coding perspective it works 100% now, just need to test the way it playes further.


Added seperate variable to control music, fixed bug with bankroll not colorized after returning from mature content. NOTE: Updated changes to settings require deleting old settings file at: data/save/config.p OR data\save\config.p


Added an intro sound when game starts.


Added showing username at the top of the screen. Fixed bug where player chooses returning player but enters invalid player causes game to crash. Also changed all instances of Quit key to Q or q as the inconsistency was driving me mad. Looks more uniform now.


Finished settings menu, with options for color, sound, and mature content. All seems to work and save settings in data/save/config.p and reload on game start. Creates the file if it doesn't exist. nullist did some refactoring to the graphics.py file to make it easier to change colors.


Implemented color to the game, now switchable with the colorized variable. Plans to implement sound on or off with the soundfx variable, these two combined with the mature variable will be combined into a settings file loaded on startup and saved back to on quitting like the user data does now.


My coding partner from college, nullist (Tyler Mosgrove), contributed color to the bankroll, green for anything positive and red for bankrupt. This inspired me to colorize the whole game and make it optional. Which makes me want to put in a Settings menu to 1) turn on or off color, 2) turn on or off sounds, and 3) switch between general gameplay and the mature gameplay.


Resuming Testing of Craps Game, definitely need deeper Wrong Bettor testing as I usually play Right side and have thus favored testing those bets.


It appears as if Odds on Come and Don't Come bets are working. Needs some thorough testing. But this would mean officially I have a full functioning craps game, maybe still some bugs here and there, but the game works and has all of the bets functioning.


Simple modification, changed ASCII graphics to stagger the two dice to make it more aesthetically pleasing. Wrote betting for Odds on Come and Don't Come but haven't implemented payouts or losses yet.
Also noting I want to implement at bare minimum a 5x odds limit on a come odds bet. But ideally a 5x-4x-3x for 6/8,5/9,4/10 respectively and then change my current universal 5x limit on odds for pass and don't pass to 5x-4x-3x as well for same point numbers. Currently the whole function is a Work In Progress.


Removed Linux dependence on mplayer for sound, switching to aplay from ALSA package which is probably on most Linux desktops. Also added potentially MacOS support in addition to the recent adding of Windows support. Have tested and played both the Windows and Linux versions, but am not sure how well or if it works properly in MacOS as I don't own any Mac systems.


Adapted the craps game to work in Windows. To do this effectively, I had to convert all sound files into WAV files, no big deal.


I may have found the hanging bug I had from the previous couple of

commits. My initial thought was that it had something to do with

my save function, which calls pickle as I had/have it saving multiple

times in a round of gameplay. I also had read online that pickle was

slow and people were suggesting JSON, which I may still switch over to.

But it is currently my thought that it was my sound files that were

causing the bottleneck as I call a certain soundfile to be played anytime

a bet wins, but that could be multiple bets winning simultaneously which means

I could have a ton of system calls to play the same exact winning sound every

time, so I switched all those sound calls to just switching a variable from a

0 to a 1, and then at the end of each stage checking that variable if it's 1 to

play the win sound. Only further extensive testing will tell if I'm right, but

it appears to be fixed.


Finished function for Come and Don't Come bets that mostly work

but there do seem to be some erroneous payouts, or rather not

paying out when it should and/or not taking the bet when it should.

Additionally I have a nasty bug that happens occasionally within the

Come/Don't Come function that causes the game to hang for 10 to 20


I think the solutions to both of these problems is some further

reorganization and restructuring of the code as I have payouts

and bet losses all handled outside of a function that has repeated

sections of code, so I plan to move all the payouts/losses into

function(s). The other plan is to make all the functions take

and return multiple variables, which I didn't realize you could do

in Python, so I can eliminate all of my global variables, and then chop

up all my functions into seperate files, so that the main function ends up

being mostly just a series of function calls so I can scan through it

quicker to find bugs in the game flow.

That's the plan anyway. Unsure the timespan to accomplish the above,

but starting that soon.


Added the ability to NOT bet on Pass or Don't Pass on come out

roll. Also limited Free Odds bets to 5x the pass/dp bet.

Also changed Field Bet payout for 12 from 3x to 2x to match the 2.


Propositions bets appear to be working, this includes 2,3,11,12,

also the hardways for 4,6,8,10, as well as any seven, and any craps

Added Big 6, Big 8, C&E, and World bets under Miscellaneous bets

Works but needs more rigorous testing to ensure accuracy.


Place, Buy, and Lay bets completed and appears to be working.

Needs some thorough testing to make sure there are no hiccups



Place bets with option to take down bets appears to be

fully functional. Next on to Buy bets and Lay bets.

Also added more sounds.


Free odds bets for Pass/Don't Pass are fully functional

and reorganized code into a folder and a couple files

renamed craps.py to main.py

NOTE: If you have an earlier pull of this like I do and want to keep your bankroll

then you will need to move your userdata.p into the new data folder


Fully functional game with only the Pass/Don't Pass betting options, saving and loading works.


All other betting options:

DONE! 12/30/2022 - Free odds bets on Pass/DP

DONE! 01/21/2023 - Come bet/Don't Come Bets

DONE! 07/20/2023 - Free odds bets on Come/Don't Come

DONE! 01/03/2023 - Field Bets

DONE! 01/07/2023 - Place Bets/Buy Bets/Lay Bets

DONE! 01/13/2023 - Propostions bets,Hardway Bets/Any Craps/Any Seven

  • Any other bets or features I might want to add:

DONE! 01/13/2023 - Big 6 and Big 8

DONE! 01/13/2023 - C&E Bet (Craps and Eleven)

DONE! 01/13/2023 - World Bet (C&E plus any seven)


Toying with this command line craps game again hoping to make it functional.


After a hiatus from working on this I am trying to structure this is some way that I don't end up with a mess of spaghetti code. Need to plan out all the functions and program control flow that I'm going to need for this game to function properly.


This is just an experiment with me learning python again and trying to get back into coding after a hiatus. So I'm just learning python while trying to write a command line Craps game because I love playing craps at the casinos.

I started working on this a few weeks ago but decided to make a repo for it so I don't lose my progress and feel more secure about making major changes.