
Learning aide, note taking, team learning, etc.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


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Doughnut is a Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) tool combining zettelkasten style of knowledge capture with some features to enhance learning (spaced-repetition, smart reminders) and ability to share knowledge bits with other people (for buddy/team learning).

For more background info you can read::

Story Map

How to Contribute

  • We welcome product ideas and code contribution.
  • Collaborate over:
  • FOSS style; Fork and submit GitHub PR.
    • Please keep the PR small and on only one topic
    • The code need to come with tests

Getting started

1. Quick Start - doughnut development environment setup

🏁 From the root of doughnut directory, in a terminal, run:


Ensure your OS (WSL2/Ubuntu/Fedora, etc) has /bin/sh point to bash. If you are using Ubuntu where /bin/sh is symlinked to dash, please run sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash and answer "No" to reconfigure to bash as default.

🪟 WSL2: Additional things to note for Windows10 or Windows11 developers using WSL2 with Ubuntu-20.04 or Ubuntu-22.04.

⚠️ Nix and sdkman don't play very well together. A simple way around is to move or rename ~/.sdkman dir and comment out sdkman related config in ~/.<SHELL>rc.

🚦 🚧 ONLY if you hit problems with the above quick-start setup, you should manually walk through the local development environment nix setup.

2. Setup and run doughnut with migrations in 'E2E' profile (backend app started on port 9081)

From the root of your doughnut directory, start your doughnut nix development environment with

nix develop
yarn && yarn frontend:build && yarn sut
  • Rerun it each time you reset the database.

2.1 Run full backend unit tests suite from terminal/CLI

  • From doughnut source root directory:
yarn backend:test

4. End-to-End Test / Features / Cucumber / SbE / ATDD

We use cucumber Gherkin + cypress (test driver) Javascript/Typescript framework to drive the end-to-end test suite.

The Cypress+Cucumber tests are in JavaScript/TypeScript.



For MS Windows WSL2 users:

  1. you need to ensure your WSL2 Linux has xvfb installed manually before you can run cypress. This is not managed by Nix!
  2. export NODE_OPTIONS="--max-old-space-size=4096" before running any cypress related commands ( e.g. cy:open or cy:run).
Purpose Command (run from doughnut source root directory)
Install needed e2e tooling yarn
Start SUT (backend system under test) yarn sut (starts backend SUT ONLY)
Start Mock for external backend yarn mb (starts mocked external backend ONLY)
Start only the Cypress IDE yarn cy:open (starts Cypress IDE ONLY)
Run all e2e test yarn test (compile frontend assets, start backend SUT, mountebank virtual service provider & cypress headless e2e testing)
Run all e2e test with FE in dev mode yarn test:dev (starts backend SUT, frontend SUT in HMR mode, mountebank virtual service provider & cypress headless e2e testing)
Run cypress IDE yarn test:open (starts frontend SUT in HMR mode, backend SUT, mountebank virtual service provider & cypress IDE)
Generate TypeScript Interfaces yarn generateTypeScript (Generate TypeScript Interfaces from backend JSON classes. Should run manually every time backend JSON class changes)


Purpose Location
feature files cypress/integration/*.feature
step definitions cypress/step_definitions/*.ts
custom DSL cypress/support/*.ts
cucumber hooks cypress/step_definitions/common/hook.ts
test fixtures cypress/fixtures/*.*
cypress config cypress/config/*.json
cypress plugins cypress/plugins/index.ts

5. Database migrations

You can find the database migrations in backend/src/main/resources/db.migration/. The migrations are run automatically when the backend app starts up. It will also run the migrations for test when you run yarn backend:test. To trigger the test DB migration manually, run backend/gradlew testDBMigrate.

6. Vue3 web-app frontend

We chose Vue3 + Vite to build our frontend.


Run frontend unit tests

From doughnut source root directory

yarn frontend:test
Run frontend web-app (app will launch on port 5173)
yarn frontend:sut
Build & Bundle Vue3 frontend web-app assets and startup backend app (backend webapp will launch on port 9081).
yarn frontend:build
yarn sut

Expect to find minified and uglified web bundle assets in backend/src/main/resources/static directory:

❯ tree -L 3
├── assets
│   ├── main.32137c85.js
│   ├── main.b097c993.css
│   └── vendor.8f9eb49d.js
├── index.html
├── odd-e.ico
└── odd-e.png

1 directory, 6 files