
This is the source for the demos on my blog post Advanced Map Shading.



with https:

git clone https://github.com/wwwtyro/map-tile-lighting-demo.git

or with ssh:

git clone git@github.com:wwwtyro/map-tile-lighting-demo.git

then move to the cloned repo: cd map-tile-lighting-demo

Install dependencies

npm install

Configure your mapbox.key

  • Go to mapbox.com, create an account to get your API key.
  • Create a file named mapbox.key and put inside it your API key: echo "pk.XXXYYYZZZ" > mapbox.key

Run it!

Demos scripts can be launched with npm run script. See scripts section in package.json file.

npm run load-image

npm run elevation

npm run normals

npm run direct

npm run soft-shadows

npm run ambient-occlusion

npm run combined-lighting

npm run satellite

npm run tiled


npm run load-image

> map-tile-lighting-demo@1.0.0 load-image /var/www/html
> budo load-image-demo.js --live -- -t brfs

[0000] info  Server running at (connect)
[0000] info  LiveReload running
[0001] 360ms      153KB (browserify)
[0003] 4ms           0B GET    200 / (generated)
[0003] 0ms           0B GET    200 /load-image-demo.js (generated)

Open up your browser at the given @IP eg and enjoy the demo!