
Jira + Git

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

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                                          Jira + Git


JIT is a small command-line tool used to aid my day-to-day workflow using jira and github. I'm not sure how useful it will be for anyone else not working the same way.

This is a go re-write of my node tool jerry


Make sure you have a working Go environment (go 1.1 is required). See the install instructions.

To install jit, download the latest release:

To install jit from source:

$ go get github.com/robhurring/jit

Make sure your PATH includes to the $GOPATH/bin directory so your commands can be easily used:

export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin

NOTE: jit will not work until it has been configured. To create the initial config file, run jit and it should create a file ~/.config/jit/config.json. Edit this with your credentials to get it going.


To configure JIT so it can talk with Github and Jira, you need to add the config file to ~/.config/jit/config.json

An example configuration looks like this:

// ~/.config/jit/config.json
  "jira": {
    "host": "https://mycompany.atlassian.net",
    "api_path": "/rest/api/2",
    "activity_path": "/activity",
    "login": "JIRA_PASSWORD",
    "password": "JIRA_PASSWORD",
    // when using naked issue numbers with JIT, this project will be prepended
    "defaultProject": ""
  "github": {
    "username": "GITHUB_USERNAME",
    "token": "TOKEN"
  // when generating branch names from issue summaries, this is the max length
  // it will be. truncated at the last full word
  "maxBranchLength": 35,
  // when generating a pull-request any repo in this list of paths with a branch
  // matching the current repo's branch will be listed as "associated"
  "associatedPaths": [
  // when generating a pull-request JIT will attempt to map names from JIRA to
  // github usernames using the github API. any name listed here will override
  // that.
  "userMap": {
    "rob hurring": "robhurring"
  // will add a little Jit signature to PRs if true :D
  "signPullRequests": true


branch, br

Create a new branch for the given ISSUE. If the branch already exists JIT will issue a checkout instead.

  • --preview, -p Preview branch name
  • --copy, -c Copy branch name (OSX only)
$ jit branch DEV-12
# => git checkout -b DEV-12_update_the_wizzy_wigs

pull-request, pr

Create a new pull-request for the given ISSUE. JIT will try to map the issue's CodeReviewer's full name against the Github API - if only 1 result is found it will be used. If the name cannot be found (or multiple results were returned), JIT will just use the full-name.

HINT: For common names or people who don't use their full-name in github, add them to the userMap settings hash.

  • --preview, -p Preview the pull-request
  • --copy, -c Copy the pull-request body to the clipboard (OSX only)
$ jit pull-reqest DEV-12
# => creates a pull-request for the current branch referencing DEV-12

$ jit pull-reqest --preview DEV-12

# DEV-12: test
# /cc @robhurring
# [JIRA DEV-12](https://mycompany.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/issue/90210): Test
# ### Associated
# some-other-repo
# ### Summary
# * Changed A, B, C
# ### Testing
# `rake spec`

info, in

Print some basic information about a given issue.

$ jit info DEV-12

# DEV-12: Test
# https://mycompany.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/issue/90210
# Creator:  Rob Hurring
# Developer: Rob Hurring
# Reviewer: Rob Hurring
# Assigned: Rob Hurring
# -----------------------8<-------------------------------------------------------
# Links (2):
#   Blocks
#   DEV-15: [New]:  Do something relating to this ticket.
#   Relates
#   IT-52: [In Production]:  Some IT issue related to this ticket.
# -----------------------8<-------------------------------------------------------
# Status: New
# Testing. This is my issue description
# -----------------------8<-------------------------------------------------------
# Comments (2):
# "test"
# Reginald Sombernotch
# "hello world!"
# Drake Thunderfist

open, o

Open the given ticket in the browser. (OSX only. Using the open command currently.)

$ jit open DEV-12
# => opens the issue in the browser

copy, cp

Copy the given issue URL to the clipboard. (OSX only.)

$ jit copy DEV-12
# => Copied! https://mycompany.atlassian.net/browse/DEV-12

hub, h

Information about the GitHub project


Get the default GitHub branch for the current repo.

$ jit hub branch
# => master

Get the GitHub project owner for the current repo.

$ jit hub owner
# => robhurring

Get the GitHub project name for the current repo.

$ jit hub name
# => jit

Get the GitHub project URL for the current repo.

$ jit hub url
# => https://github.com/robhurring/jit.git

Open the GitHub project in your browser.

$ jit hub open
# => Opening https://github.com/robhurring/jit.git


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/robhurring/jit/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


I ❤️ stole a bunch of functions from Github's hub repo.