
Wars is a DopeWars clone built on top of Sinatra. It is customizable to support any type of themed dopwars game -- just edit the data file and restart!

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

About Wars

Wars is a web based trading game with gameplay based on DopeWars. If you were a fan of the DopeWars games then give this a shot. It doesn’t have fancy graphics or any of that jazz, but it is really fun to kill a few minutes during downtime. The main objective of Wars is to become to top trader of office supplies and crush your foes!

Installing/Running Wars

Install the gems listed in the .gems file and run rackup.

OfficeWars Demo

There is a demo up and running on heroku: officewars.heroku.com

Configuring Wars

*See: lib/wars/wars/data.rb* You can configure most of the game details through the data file. The game length, all NPCs, encounters, products, equipment, special events, locations and shops.


Products are what the player can buy and sell at different locations to make cash. Prices fluctuate normally between the price_range. Special events also occur which might bump prices down or up. If the price is bumped down, the :min_message is shown in the event box, if it goes up the :max_message is displayed.

# Add a product for speakers, selling between 1000-3000
Products << Product.new(
  :id => 999
  :name => 'Speakers',
  :price_range => (1000..3000),
  :min_message => 'Speakers are really cheap!',
  :max_message => 'Speakers are really expensive!'


Equipment is what the player can purchase to help boost certain stats. As long as the equipment is in the players control that attribute is boosted.

Equipment can also be :disposable which is generally used for healing. If an item is disposable its immediately applied to the player, but not stored in their equipment array.

Equipment has the following attributes:


the ID used to reference the equipment


name of the equipment


This is how many the player is allowed to have in their equipment array.


how much the equipment costs

:space, :life, :strength, :defense

this is a modifier of the :adds column.


if this is set to true the equipment is immediately applied to the player and disposed of

Equipment can adjust the following attributes, in the :adds attribute:


This adds to the player’s max life as long as they hold the item.


This adds space so the player can carry more items.


This makes the player hit harder in fights.


This helps the player absorb hits in fights.

# Add an awesome weapon
Equipments << Equipment.new(
  :id => 999, 
  :name => 'Awesome Weapon',
  :limit => 1,
  :price => 120_000,
  :adds => :strength,
  :amount => 100,
  :disposable => false

# Adds a healing item
Equipments << Equipment.new(
  :id => 998, 
  :name => 'Healing Thing',
  :limit => 999,  # limit should be set so they can buy enough to fully heal
  :price => 10_000,
  :adds => :life,
  :amount => 10,
  :disposable => true # apply life immediately and throw away the med pack


Locations are where players buy products and see available shops. To customize the locations in the game, edit the Locations array in the data file.

# Have a location appear at slot 8
Locations << Location.new(:id => 8, :name => 'Some Location')


Stores are where players can buy equipment to boost their strength, defense, space or life points. You can customize the stores in the data file. Each store must be linked to a location_id to show up.

There are a few built-in store types you can use for game specific needs:


This is where the player can store extra cash they have and earn BankInterestRate interest.


This is where the player can borrow or repay the bookie. The bookie’s name is defined in BookieName. If the player doesn’t pay the bookie back within BookieTolerance days, the bookie will break their legs and end the game.


This is a place the player can go to pay BulletinCost cash to leave a small message on the bulletin board. Message length is defined in +BulletinLength.

All other stores have their inventory defined in arrays of Equipment objects.

# Have a store appear at location 2, that sells equipments 1,2
Stores << Store.new(
  :location_id => 2, 
  :name => 'My Store', 
  :sells => [

# Add the loan shark to location 1
Stores << Store.new(
  :location_id => 1, 
  :name => 'Loan Shark', 
  :sells => :loans

NPCs (Fights)

An NPC is who the player fights every EncounterRange days if Encounters is set to true. An NPC is eligible to fight if their :condition block returns true, and if a fight is won the npc rewards the :reward proc. The condition and reward block is called with the player object passed in

An NPC has the following attributes:


the ID to be stored in the fight object


name of the NPC


how hard the NPC will hit. (can be randomized with a Range)


how much damage the NPC absorbs from player hits (can be randomized with a Range)


how much life the NPC has (can be randomized with a Range)


(block - called with player object) this is called on the player object, if true then the NPC enters the fight pool


(block - called with player object) this block determines the reward for the player if the fight is won. this should return an array

with the [object, quantity] where object is either a Product, Equipment or special :cash type. Quantity is the amount of the product, equipment or cash to be rewarded.

# Simple NPC that rewards cash
Npcs << Npc.new(
  :id => 1,
  :name => 'Simple NPC',
  :strength => 25,
  :defense => 10,
  :life => 100,
  :condition => Proc.new{ true }, # always available
  :rewards => Proc.new{ [:cash, 5_000] } # always give 5k cash

# NPC with variable strength, defense and life that shows up when a player is level 10+ and rewards
# a random product
Npcs << Npc.new(
  :id => 2,
  :name => 'Variable NPC',
  :strength => (25..50),
  :defense => (10..25),
  :life => (100..150),
  :condition => Proc.new{ |player| player.level >= 10 },
  :rewards => Proc.new{ [Product.all[rand(Product.size)], 1] } 


An event is something random that happens when moving between locations. This can be a reward, or a game-over event, etc.

An event has the following attributes:


description of the event


(block) what triggers this event


(block - called with player object) what this event does

# Event that randomly awards cash
 :description => "You found some money on the ground!",
 :condition => Proc.new{ rand(30) == 0 }, # Every rand(30) days
 :action => Proc.new{ |p| p.cash += (500..1000).rand } # reward 500-1000 cash

# Event that kills the player randomly, for fun. The +check_game_conditions+ check will notice that
# the player is no longer +alive?+ and end the game, using the +death_description+ for the score list
 :description => "You stepped on a land mine!",
 :condition => Proc.new{ |player| player.days > 100 && player.level > 50 && rand(100) },
 :action => Proc.new{ |player|
  player.life = 0
  player.death_description = {
    :reason => :event,
    :message => "Blown up by a land mine!"