ETL of Commits of a Github Repo


  1. Use poetry to create a virtual environment
poetry install

Alternatively use pip

pip install -r requirements.txt

Third party libraries

  1. Requests: To get data from Github API
  2. Pandas: To use dataframes
  3. SQLAlchemy + PyMySQL: To insert and query data from database
  4. Loguru: For pretty and easy logging
  5. Tabulate: For markdown representation of dataframe. Used to display heatmap.

SQL Setup

Start up mysql service in docker container

docker-compose up

There exists some pre-existing data inside data/mysql which will be mounted onto the docker container.

Scripts ran to create database & tables

create database github_etl;

create table repositories_dim
    repo_id      int          not null,
    organisation varchar(100) not null,
    repository   varchar(100) not null,
    constraint repositories_dim_repo_id_uindex
        unique (repo_id)

alter table repositories_dim
    add primary key (repo_id);

create table authors_dim
    author_id int          not null,
    name      varchar(100) not null,
    constraint authors_dim_author_id_uindex
        unique (author_id)

alter table authors_dim
    add primary key (author_id);

create table commits_fact
    id        int auto_increment,
    timestamp timestamp not null,
    date      date      not null,
    author_id int       not null,
    repo_id   int       not null,
    message   text      null,
    url       text      null,
    constraint commits_fact_id_uindex
        unique (id)

alter table commits_fact
    add primary key (id);

call staging.upsert_all();

        INSERT INTO commits_fact
        SELECT id, timestamp, author_id, repo_id, message, url FROM staging.commits_fact
create table STAGING.authors_dim
    author_id int          not null,
    name      varchar(100) not null,
    constraint authors_dim_author_id_uindex
        unique (author_id)

alter table staging.authors_dim
    add primary key (author_id);

create table staging.repositories_dim
    repo_id      int          not null,
    organisation varchar(100) not null,
    repository   varchar(100) not null,
    constraint repositories_dim_repo_id_uindex
        unique (repo_id)

alter table staging.repositories_dim
    add primary key (repo_id);

create table staging.commits_fact
    id        varchar(40) not null,
    timestamp timestamp   not null,
    author_id int         not null,
    repo_id   int         not null,
    message   text        null,
    url       text        null,
    constraint commits_fact_id_uindex
        unique (id),
    constraint commits_fact_authors_dim_author_id_fk
        foreign key (author_id) references authors_dim (author_id),
    constraint commits_fact_repositories_dim_repo_id_fk
        foreign key (repo_id) references repositories_dim (repo_id)

alter table staging.commits_fact
    add primary key (id);

create table STAGING.authors_dim
    author_id int          not null,
    name      varchar(100) not null,
    constraint authors_dim_author_id_uindex
        unique (author_id)

alter table staging.authors_dim
    add primary key (author_id);

create table staging.repositories_dim
    repo_id      int          not null,
    organisation varchar(100) not null,
    repository   varchar(100) not null,
    constraint repositories_dim_repo_id_uindex
        unique (repo_id)

alter table staging.repositories_dim
    add primary key (repo_id);

create table staging.commits_fact
    id        varchar(40) not null,
    timestamp timestamp   not null,
    author_id int         not null,
    repo_id   int         not null,
    message   text        null,
    url       text        null,
    constraint commits_fact_id_uindex
        unique (id),
    constraint commits_fact_authors_dim_author_id_fk
        foreign key (author_id) references authors_dim (author_id),
    constraint commits_fact_repositories_dim_repo_id_fk
        foreign key (repo_id) references repositories_dim (repo_id)

alter table staging.commits_fact
    add primary key (id);

call staging.upsert_all();

        INSERT INTO commits_fact
        SELECT id, timestamp, author_id, repo_id, message, url FROM staging.commits_fact
create table STAGING.authors_dim
    author_id int          not null,
    name      varchar(100) not null,
    constraint authors_dim_author_id_uindex
        unique (author_id)

alter table staging.authors_dim
    add primary key (author_id);

create table staging.repositories_dim
    repo_id      int          not null,
    organisation varchar(100) not null,
    repository   varchar(100) not null,
    constraint repositories_dim_repo_id_uindex
        unique (repo_id)

alter table staging.repositories_dim
    add primary key (repo_id);

create table staging.commits_fact
    id        varchar(40) not null,
    timestamp timestamp   not null,
    author_id int         not null,
    repo_id   int         not null,
    message   text        null,
    url       text        null,
    constraint commits_fact_id_uindex
        unique (id),
    constraint commits_fact_authors_dim_author_id_fk
        foreign key (author_id) references authors_dim (author_id),
    constraint commits_fact_repositories_dim_repo_id_fk
        foreign key (repo_id) references repositories_dim (repo_id)

alter table staging.commits_fact
    add primary key (id);

create procedure staging.upsert_all()
        INSERT INTO github_etl.repositories_dim
        SELECT repo_id, organisation, repository FROM staging.repositories_dim
        ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE repo_id=staging.repositories_dim.repo_id;

        INSERT INTO github_etl.authors_dim
        SELECT author_id, name FROM staging.authors_dim
        ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE author_id=staging.authors_dim.author_id;

        INSERT INTO github_etl.commits_fact
        SELECT id, timestamp, author_id, repo_id, message, url FROM staging.commits_fact

Schema diagram

ETL Methodology

ETL flow diagram

Running application

If using poetry

poetry run python -m src.main

Without poetry

python -m src.main

Accessing MySQL

Database url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306

Login: root

Password: password123

SQL Queries

# List the top 3 authors in the given time period

select cf.author_id, name, count( commit_counts, organisation, repository
from authors_dim
    inner join commits_fact cf
        on authors_dim.author_id = cf.author_id
    inner join repositories_dim rd on cf.repo_id = rd.repo_id
where repository = "hadoop" and organisation = "apache"
group by cf.author_id
order by commit_counts desc
limit 3;

# 2. Find the author with the longest contribution window within the time period?
# A contribution window is the interval between an author’s earliest and latest commit. The
# commits need not be on consecutive days.
select TIMESTAMPDIFF(second, min(timestamp), max(timestamp)) contribution_window_in_seconds, min(timestamp) earliest_commit, max(timestamp) latest_commit, name, organisation, repository
from commits_fact
inner join authors_dim ad on commits_fact.author_id = ad.author_id
inner join repositories_dim rd on commits_fact.repo_id = rd.repo_id
where repository = "hadoop" and organisation = "apache"
group by commits_fact.author_id
order by  contribution_window_in_seconds desc
limit 1;

# Query for heatmap (Still need to pivot using pandas after this)
select count(id) commit_counts, DAYOFWEEK(DATE(timestamp)) day_of_week, floor(hour(time(timestamp)) / 3) hour_of_day
       from commits_fact
inner join repositories_dim rd on commits_fact.repo_id = rd.repo_id
where repository = "hadoop" and organisation = "apache"
group by day_of_week, hour_of_day