
:collision: Pimp your boring terminal

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Customisable and extendable Powerline/Airline inspired Bash prompt.

Airshell Prompt


  • Terminal emulator that supports 256bit colors.


  • If airshell does not work correctly, feel free to report the issue here.


Clone this repository and execute install.sh file.

git clone https://github.com/robik/airshell
bash install.sh all

To test airshell without making any changes, simply do source airshell.bash in repository directory. Some symbols may not be displayed correctly, to fix this run install.sh all. If it still does not help follow these instructions.

If you wish you can use airshell.bash as typical .bashrc file. Either save it as ~/.bashrc or add source ~/path/to/airshell.bash statement in your .bashrc. If it suddenly stops "working", you can execute disable_airshell to restore original prompt.

For default theme it is advised (and also only working solution) to use it in terminal emulator with black background and while foreground.

File Structure

By default Airshell's config and modules live in ~/.config/airshell. This path can be changed by changing ASH_PREFIX variable in airshell.bash. This directory contains two entries:

Name Description
modules/ Directory with modules loaded by airshell. All modules must have either bash or sh extension to be loaded.
theme Bash file that override default airshell configuration.


Airshell allows to extend functionality with modules. Modules can be freely placed on prompt-bar and have distinct configuration. Airshell comes with few builtin modules, such as user which prints username, git which prints current branch name if available etc. All modules are kept in $ASH_PREFIX/modules directory.

Module's foreground and background can be changed in MODULE_{name}_FG and MODULE_{name}_BG variables respectively, where {name} is uppercase name of the module. Described in detail in Customization section.

A module may not be rendered if some internal condition is not met. In such case whole module block is skipped. Example of such module is git, which is rendered only if current directory is in a valid git repository.

Modules order can be changed for left size and right side of the bar with LEFT_MODULES and RIGHT_MODULES variables. Both variables are arrays of lowercase module names ordered in display order. Having an unkown module in those arrays results in an error.

Modules are described in detail in Creating a module section.


Airshell uses ANSI escape sequences to colorize output. All ANSI sequences start with ESC[ (\e[ in bash) and most but not all end with m.

Simple colors table

Color name Black Red Green Yellow Blue Magenta Cyan White
Color number 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Information on advanced colors is available on wikipedia page.

Common sequences table

Sequence Result
\e[0m Reset foreground, background and font changes.
\e[1m Enable font bold.
\e[30m-\e[37m Changes foreground color. 30+x where x is color number.
\e[40m-\e[47m Changes background color. 40+x where x is color number.
\e[38;5;{n}m Changes foreground color, where {n} is color number between 0 and 255.
\e[48;5;{n}m Changes background color, where {n} is color number between 0 and 255.
\e[38;2;{r};{g};{b}m Changes foreground color, where {[rgb]} is color value between 0 and 255.
\e[48;5;{r};{g};{b}m Changes background color, where {[rgb]} is color value between 0 and 255.

Configuration variables

Airshell options must be global variables. They can be defined/overriden in either airshell.bash or in $ASH_PREFIX/theme files. All {name} slugs below represent uppercase module name.

Variable name Variable description
MODULE_{name}_BG Module background color. This variable must hold 256bit background color sequence between \e[48; and m. That is only 5;{n} and 2;{r};{g};{b} sequences are allowed.
MODULE_{name}_FG Module foreground. This variable can hold sequences without \e[ and m. Can be used to make font bold (1) and change foreground color 30-37 and 38.
COLOR_HEADER_BG Header row background. Same as MODULE_{name}_BG value will be pasted as \e[48;{VALUE}m
LEFT_MODULES List of module names that will be rendered on the left side.
RIGHT_MODULES List of module names that will be rendered on the right side.
PS1_MODULE Module that is rendered in the second row before input. May be changed to module-list in futher versions.
PS2_CHAR Character rendered in PS2.
RIGHT_MODULE_DELIM Right modules delimeter character.
LEFT_MODULE_DELIM Left modules delimeter character.
BRANCH_CHAR Character displayed in git module.

Creating a module

To create a custom module, create a file in $ASH_PREFIX/modules directory. Ensure that file name has either bash or sh extension. Then add a function ash_module_{name} where {name} is lowercase name of your module.

Modules should not write any output directly. Instead ash_return_text and ash_return_none functions should be used. Both functions do not stop futher function exection.

Calling ash_return_none signals that module block should not be rendered.

ash_return_text takes one or two arguments, first argument is required and is module output to render. Second, optional argument is output length that is calculated from first argument. It is important that if module output contains esacape sequences or simply module string is different than rendered, second argument must contain calculated rendered output width WITHOUT any escape sequences.

Here's code snippet of git module:

    local res="$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null)"
    if [ "$res" != "" ]; then
        ash_return_text "$BRANCH_CHAR $res" `expr ${#res} + 2`

Optionally, all modules can have validation checker function named ash_validate_module_{name}. They can check required dependencies and optionally install them. Validation functions are executed once at beggining of terminal session. If validation fails module will not be rendered.

Here's how git module used it to check for git command.

    if [[ $? && ! -x "$(which git)" ]]; then
        printf "\e[1;31mConfiguration Error\e[0m: Git command not found. Either install git or remove git module.\n"