Deploy Istio for Production

In this first of a three-part series of workshops on Istio service mesh, we dive into Istio with a focus on rolling out the mesh to your organization in a production-ready way. We've cultivated a lot of this knowledge from working with organizations across the world and helping them operationalize Istio. We cover the following topics in this first workshop:

  • Understanding Istio's data plane (Envoy Proxy)
  • Installing Istio with day-2 in mind
  • Iteratively introducing Istio in your organization
  • Leveraging gateways
  • Debugging when things go wrong

Let's get the lab environment set up.

Lab environment and prep

We will use a Kubernetes cluster on the lab machine to work through the following labs. In this prep section we will set up our cluster and download istioctl.

Set up Kubernetes cluster with Kind

From the terminal go to the /home/solo/workshops/scripts directory:

cd /home/solo/workshops/scripts

Run the following commands to deploy a single Kubernetes cluster using Kind:

./ 1 istio-workshop

{% hint style="info" %} Note the 1 in the CLI command above {% endhint %}

Kind should automatically set up the Kubernetes context for the kubectl CLI tool, but to make sure you're pointed to the right cluster, run the following:

kubectl config use-context istio-workshop

Download and set up istioctl

Make sure you're on your home directory:


And download Istio 1.8.3

curl -L | ISTIO_VERSION=1.8.3 sh -

{% hint style="success" %} You may be wondering why we are using Istio 1.8.x when 1.9.x is out. This is purposeful -- in the second part of this workshop we will be doing upgrades of Istio and being on the previous version is helpful to illustrate proper upgrades. {% endhint %}

Let's make istioctl available on your PATH:

export PATH="$PATH:/home/solo/istio-1.8.3/bin"

Now you should be able to run istioctl commands from any directory:

istioctl version

Start the lab!

Now go to the directory that has the workshop material:

cd /home/solo/workshops/istio-day2/1-deploy-istio/

Additional tools needed to install on the workshop VMs: