
Terraform module that dynamically generates a public/private keypair.

Primary LanguageHCL

AWS Dynamic Keypair

This Terraform module dynamically generates an SSH key pair, imports it into AWS, and provides the keypair via outputs.

This can be used to create AWS resources with a keypair that doesn't have to exist prior to the Terraform run. This is great for demos! Warning that the private key information will be in the Terraform state, so this isn't well suited currently for production environments.

What This Module Does


  • Creates a public/private keypair.

  • Writes the keypair into files (optional).

  • Imports the keypair into AWS.

  • Provides the OpenSSH-formatted public key and a PEM-encoded private key as output values that can be used directly with connection blocks.


Run terraform apply against the example configuration below:

provider "aws" {
  version = "~> 1.0.0"
  region  = "us-west-2"

module "keypair" {
  source = "mitchellh/dynamic-keys/aws"
  path   = "${path.root}/keys"

output "private_key_pem" {
  value = "${module.keypair.private_key_pem}"

The SSH keys created are also in the ./keys subdirectory relative to the root Terraform configuration if you need those for any other reason. These keys will be automatically deleted and removed when your configuration is destroyed (via terraform destroy).

Terraform version

Terraform version 0.11.0 or newer is required for this version to work.