This project is heavily based on the pinyin analyzer
Install the plugin:
elasticsearch-plugin install file:///$PWD/target/releases/
1.Create a index with custom analyzer
curl -XPUT http://localhost:9200/test/ -d' { "settings" : { "analysis" : { "analyzer" : { "videoanalyzer" : { "type" : "custom", "tokenizer": "whitespace", "filter": [ "lowercase", "timecode_tokenfilter"] } } } }, "mappings": { "video": { "properties": { "asr": { "type": "text", "term_vector": "with_positions_offsets_payloads", "index_options": "positions", "analyzer": "videoanalyzer" }, "shots": { "type": "text", "term_vector": "with_positions_offsets", "index_options": "positions", "analyzer": "videoanalyzer" } } } } }'
curl -XPOST http://localhost:9200/test/_analyze -d' { "analyzer": "videoanalyzer", "text": "abc|123|123 hello|123|110" }'
2.Create mapping for videos: two fields: asr and shots)
If you want to store confidences, choose for "term_vector": "with_positions_offsets_payloads" otherwise "with_positions_offsets".
curl -XPOST http://localhost:9200/test/_mapping/video -d' { "properties": { "asr": { "type": "text", "term_vector": "with_positions_offsets_payloads", "index_options": "positions", "analyzer": "videoanalyzer" }, "shots": { "type": "text", "term_vector": "with_positions_offsets", "index_options": "positions", "analyzer": "videoanalyzer" } } }'
3.Add documents
curl -XPOST http://localhost:9200/test/video/1 -d'{"asr":"Star|12|14 Wars|23|29", "shots": "s|123|124 s|240|250"}' curl -XPOST http://localhost:9200/test/video/2 -d'{"asr":"Hello|12|14 World|14|15", "shots": "s|123|124 s|124|213"}'
4.Let's search
curl 'http://localhost:9200/test/video/_search?q=asr:World&pretty=true'
Version that only returns the shots:
curl http://localhost:9200/test/video/_search?pretty=true -d ' { "_source" : ["shots", "asr"], "query": { "query_string": { "query": "asr:hello" } } }'
curl http://localhost:9200/test/video/_search?pretty=true -d ' { "query": { "query_string": { "query": "hello" } }, "script_fields" : { "test" : { "script" : { "inline" : "show_findings", "lang" : "native", "params" : { "field" : "content", "terms" : [ "test", "hello" ] } }, "ignore_failure" : false } } }'
5.Show term vector
curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/test/video/1/_termvectors?pretty=true'
6.That's all, have fun.
Demo data
import loremipsum import json import random words = ' '.join(get_sentences(1000)) last=0 res = [] for word in words.split(): start = last + random.randint(1,5) end = start + random.randint(1,10) last = end res.append('%s|%d|%d' % (word,start,end))
shots = [] for i in range(50): start = last + random.randint(0, 5) end = start + random.randint(10, 15) last = end shots.append('%s|%d|%d' % ('s',start,end))
print len(words.split()) l = len(words) l2 = len(' '.join(res)) print l, l2, l2 * 1.0 / l
doc = {"asr": ' '.join(res), "shots": ' '.join(shots)}
with open('test.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(doc, f, indent=2)