a tool that populates the MRS database with random data.
The application
- creates the tables in an empty database and fills the tables with data.
- does NOT delete existing data.
- is currently configured to run with PostgreSQL database. (An HSQLDB database provided is also implemented.)
Import the project as a Maven project into your preferred IDE and build; or build from command line with maven.
The main class is ch.fhnw.stqm.mrs.datagenerator.MrsDataGenerator
Run the generator without arguments: It fills the database tables clients, movies, rentals with the amount of data specified in the class
Run the tool with arguments: MrsDataGenerator noOfUsers noOfMovies noOfRentals
Generates "legal" data:
- users: random names using the JavaFaker library. Users age: [0, 90] years.
- movies: random string (no meaning, length [4-40] chars), release date in the last 100 years and an age rating [0, 19] and a legal PriceCategory.
- rentals: legal rental, i.e. a rental refers to an existing user and an existing movie in the database. Rentals are [0, 7] days old.
All random generated data are uniformly distributed over the indicated range. The price categories have a ration of: new release 1%, children 10%, regular 89%
Alter code to change any of the generated data or distribution properties.
db_config.properties Contains the settings to access the database (url, username, password)
DBSetup.script Contains the sql script to create the database tables