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Selligent React Native Module (selligent-react-native)

This module provides an API for the usage of the Selligent SDK in React Native.

Supported platforms

  • Android
  • iOS



  1. Install the module

    npm install @selligent-marketing-cloud/selligent-react-native --save
  2. Create a selligent.json file (name is case sensitive) in the root of the React Native project with the following content:

        "url": "someMobilePushUrl",
        "clientId": "someClientId",
        "privateKey": "somePrivateKey",
        "fullyQualifiedNotificationActivityClassName": "com.some.project.MainActivity"

    Note: The values should be relevant to your configuration. For a detailed overview of the settings see Selligent.reloadSettings(successCallback, errorCallback, settings).

Android Specific Installation

  1. Create a Google application following the section Creating a Google application of the Android - Using the SDK pdf, and place the google-services.json file in the ./android/app folder.

  2. Add the following lines at the end of the android/settings.gradle file:

    include ':selligent-react-native'
    project(':selligent-react-native').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/@selligent-marketing-cloud/selligent-react-native/android')
  3. Add the following in the android/build.gradle file:

    buildscript {
        dependencies {
            // Add the following:
            classpath 'com.google.gms:google-services:3.2.0'
    allprojects {
        repositories {
            // Add the following:
            flatDir {
                dirs "$rootDir/../node_modules/@selligent-marketing-cloud/selligent-react-native/android/libs"
            // Add the following:
            maven {
                url 'https://maven-repo.plotprojects.com'
  4. Add the following in the android/app/build.gradle file:

    dependencies {
        // Add the following:
        compile project(path: ':selligent-react-native')
    // Add the following:
    apply plugin: 'com.google.gms.google-services'
  5. Add the following in the android/app/src/../MainApplication.java file:

    // Add the following import statements:
    import com.selligent.RNSelligent;
    import com.selligent.RNSelligentPackage;
    public class MainApplication extends Application implements ReactApplication {
        private final ReactNativeHost mReactNativeHost = new ReactNativeHost(this) {
            protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
                return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
                        new MainReactPackage(),
                        // Add the following:
                        new RNSelligentPackage()
        public void onCreate() {
            // Add the following:

Change default push notification icons

Add the following properties to the selligent.json file:

    "notificationSmallIcon": "ic_notification",
    "notificationLargeIcon": "ic_notification"

Note: only parse the name of the icon, without the path. The icon should reside in the res/drawable folder of the Android project, as explained in Android's official guide.

iOS Specific installation

  1. Copy the node_modules/@selligent-marketing-cloud/selligent-react-native/ios/SelligentReactNative.xcodeproj file to the Xcode project. Drop it under the Libraries Folder. This will link the module to the iOS project. (See the image in the next step)

  2. Drag and drop the selligent.json you created from the root folder to the Xcode project inside the Copy Bundle Resources in Build phases of your target:

    Note: do not check the "copy if needed" option to make sure you only have to manage one selligent.json file

    Add 'SelligentReactNative.xcodeproj' and 'selligent.json' file to 'Copy Bundle Resources'

  3. Drag and drop the libSelligentReactNative.a to your Linked Frameworks and Libraries:

    Add 'libSelligentReactNative.a' file to your 'Linked Frameworks and Libraries'

  4. Create a podfile (if there isn't one already) in the /ios folder and add the following:

    pod 'PlotPlugin', '2.1.0'
  5. Execute pod install in the /ios folder to install the Podplugin dependency

  6. From now on open the .xcworkspace file to make changes in Xcode

  7. Bootstrap the SDK in the application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: of the AppDelegate.m

    #import <RNSelligent.h>
    [RNSelligent configureWithLaunchOptions:launchOptions];

Push notifications

  1. For push notifications you need to delegate some of the AppDelegate.m methods to the SDK:

    #import "AppDelegate.h"
    #import <React/RCTBundleURLProvider.h>
    #import <React/RCTRootView.h>
    #import <RNSelligent.h>
    #if defined(__IPHONE_10_0) && __IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= __IPHONE_10_0
    @import UserNotifications;
    @interface AppDelegate () <UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate>
    @implementation AppDelegate
    - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
      [self _prepareForPushNotifications];
      [RNSelligent configureWithLaunchOptions:launchOptions];
      // ...
      //react native setup code
      // ...
      return YES;
    - (void)_prepareForPushNotifications {
    #if defined(__IPHONE_10_0) && __IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= __IPHONE_10_0
      UNUserNotificationCenter *center = [UNUserNotificationCenter currentNotificationCenter];
      center.delegate = self;
    - (void)application:(UIApplication *)application performFetchWithCompletionHandler:(void (^)(UIBackgroundFetchResult))completionHandler {
      [RNSelligent performIAMFetchWithCompletionHandler:completionHandler];
    - (void)application:(UIApplication*)application didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:(NSData*)deviceToken {
      [RNSelligent didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:deviceToken];
    - (void)application:(UIApplication*)application didRegisterUserNotificationSettings:(UIUserNotificationSettings *)notificationSettings {
      [RNSelligent didRegisterUserNotificationSettings:notificationSettings];
    - (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError:(NSError *)error {
      [RNSelligent didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError:error];
    - (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didReceiveRemoteNotification:(NSDictionary *)userInfo {
      [RNSelligent didReceiveRemoteNotification:userInfo];
    #if defined(__IPHONE_10_0) && __IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= __IPHONE_10_0
    - (void)userNotificationCenter:(UNUserNotificationCenter *)center willPresentNotification:(UNNotification *)notification withCompletionHandler:(void (^)(UNNotificationPresentationOptions options))completionHandler {
      [RNSelligent willPresentNotification:notification withCompletionHandler:completionHandler];
    - (void)userNotificationCenter:(UNUserNotificationCenter *)center didReceiveNotificationResponse:(UNNotificationResponse *)response withCompletionHandler:(void(^)(void))completionHandler {
      [RNSelligent didReceiveNotificationResponse:response withCompletionHandler:completionHandler];
  2. Follow section 4 Configure the APNS (Apple Push Notification Service), of the IOS - Using the SDK pdf.


For geolocation services, follow section 6.5 Geolocation, of the IOS - Using the SDK pdf. You also need to configure several permissions described in 5.3.3 Permission for geo location.


You can catch the deeplinks 2 ways:

  1. Native in AppDelegate.m, add the following (example code that logs the URL)
-(BOOL)application:(UIApplication*) application openURL:(NSURL*) url sourceApplication:(NSString*) sourceApplication annotation:(id) annotation
  NSLog(@"%@", [url absoluteString]);
  return YES;
  1. In your React Native codebase, https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/linking

Using the API

  1. In the App.js file:

    1. Add the Button import statement:

      import {Platform, StyleSheet, Text, View, Button} from 'react-native'; // Add Button import
    2. Add the Selligent import statement:

      import Selligent from 'selligent-react-native' // Add Selligent import
    3. Add a function to call the Selligent.getVersionLib function:

      export default class App extends Component<Props> {
          // Add example function
          _getVersionLib() {
              Selligent.getVersionLib((versionLib) => {
    4. Add a Button component in the render() function calling the function of the previous step:

      render() {
          return (
              <View style={styles.container}>
                  // Add button
    5. Your App.js file should look something like this:

      import React, {Component} from 'react';
      import {Platform, StyleSheet, Text, View, Button} from 'react-native'; // Add Button import
      import Selligent from 'selligent-react-native' // Add Selligent import
      const instructions = Platform.select({
          ios: 'Press Cmd+R to reload,\n' + 'Cmd+D or shake for dev menu',
              'Double tap R on your keyboard to reload,\n' +
              'Shake or press menu button for dev menu',
      type Props = {};
      export default class App extends Component<Props> {
          // Add example function
          _getVersionLib() {
              Selligent.getVersionLib((versionLib) => {
          render() {
              return (
                  <View style={styles.container}>
                      <Text style={styles.welcome}>Welcome to React Native!</Text>
                      <Text style={styles.instructions}>To get started, edit App.js</Text>
                      <Text style={styles.instructions}>{instructions}</Text>
                      // Add button
      const styles = StyleSheet.create({
          container: {
              flex: 1,
              justifyContent: 'center',
              alignItems: 'center',
              backgroundColor: '#F5FCFF',
          welcome: {
              fontSize: 20,
              textAlign: 'center',
              margin: 10,
          instructions: {
              textAlign: 'center',
              color: '#333333',
              marginBottom: 5,

API Reference



Returns the version of the installed Selligent SDK.

The response of the success callback is a string containing the version of the SDK.

getVersionLib example
    (versionLib) => { // success callback
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Selligent.reloadSettings(successCallback, errorCallback, settings)

Can be used to reload and/or change the settings of the Selligent instance.

The settings parameter is an object containing the web service URL, the Selligent client id and private key, the Google application id and any other optional parameters (see the table below for a detailed overview). There are parameters that can only be used on a specific platform, but can be passed to either and will be ignored when possible.

Detailed overview:

Property Type Required Platform
url string Yes Both
clientId string Yes Both
privateKey string Yes Both
googleApplicationId string No Both
clearCacheIntervalValue enum Selligent.ClearCacheIntervalValue No Both
configureLocationServices boolean No Both
inAppMessageRefreshType enum Selligent.InAppMessageRefreshType No Both
shouldClearBadge boolean No iOS Only
shouldDisplayRemoteNotification boolean No iOS Only
shouldPerformBackgroundFetch boolean No iOS Only
doNotListenToThePush boolean No Android Only
doNotFetchTheToken boolean No Android Only
loadCacheAsynchronously boolean No Android Only
fullyQualifiedNotificationActivityClassName string No Android Only
remoteMessageDisplayType enum Selligent.AndroidRemoteMessagesDisplayType No Android Only
reloadSettings example
  (response) => { // success callback
  (error) => { // error callback
      url: "...",
      clientId: "...",
      privateKey: "...",
      configureLocationServices: true,
      shouldDisplayRemoteNotification: true, // will only be used on the iOS platform
      remoteMessageDisplayType: Selligent.AndroidRemoteMessagesDisplayType.NOTIFICATION // will only be used on the Android platform
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Selligent.sendDeviceInfo(successCallback, errorCallback, deviceInfo)

Sends the device's information.

The deviceInfo parameter is a string where the device's info should be placed.

sendDeviceInfo example
    (response) => { // success callback
    (error) => { // error callback
    "device info here"
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Selligent.enableGeolocation(successCallback, errorCallback, enabled)

Enable or disable geolocation services.

The enabled parameter is a required boolean to enable or disable geolocation services.

enableGeolocation example
    (response) => { // success callback
    (error) => { // error callback
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Check if geolocation services are enabled or disabled.

The response of the success callback is a boolean stating geolocation services are enabled or disabled.

isGeolocationEnabled example
    (response) => { // success callback
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Selligent.enableNotifications(successCallback, errorCallback, enabled)

Enable or disable the usage of notifications.

The enabled parameter is a required boolean to enable or disable notifications.

enableNotifications example
    (response) => { // success callback
    (error) => { // error callback
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Display the last received remote notification.

displayLastReceivedRemotePushNotification example
    (response) => { // success callback
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Get the id and the title of the last received remote push notification.

The response of the success callback is an object containing the information about the last received remote push notification, or null if there is no last received remote push notification.

Detailed overview:

Property Type Description
id string Id of the last remote push notification
title string Title of the last remote push notification
getLastRemotePushNotification Example
    (response) => { // success callback
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Selligent.enableInAppMessages(successCallback, errorCallback, enabled)

This method enables or disables the management of in-app messages.

The enabled parameter can be a boolean or a constant of the InAppMessageRefreshType enum.

In the case of a boolean set to false, the in-app messages will be disabled. When the passed enabled parameter is an InAppMessageRefreshType constant, the in-app messages will be enabled and the refresh frequency will be set to the provided value. The method will return an error if the parsed boolean is set to true, as to enable the in-app messages a refresh type is expected.

enableInAppMessages example
// to enable in-app messages
    (response) => { // success callback
    (error) => { // error callback
// to disable in-app messages
    (response) => { // success callback
    (error) => { // error callback
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Selligent.sendEvent(successCallback, errorCallback, event)

This method provides the functionality to send a specific or custom event.

The method accepts an event object which requires certain properties, depending on the type of the event.

Detailed overview:

Property Type Required Platform Default value
type enum EventType Yes Both N/A
email string Yes if event type is specific, ignored if custom Both N/A
data object Yes if event type is custom, optional if specific Both N/A
shouldCache boolean No iOS Only true

The type property is used to define the event as custom or specific event, using the EventType constants.

To define it as a custom event, one should use the Selligent.EventType.CUSTOM constant. All other event types can be used to define the event as something specific.

When an event is a specific event type, the event object requires an email property containing a string, and has an optional property data which is an object that can contain other information. When an event is a custom event type, the event object requires a data property containing an object which contains other information, and ignores the email property.

iOS specific:

On iOS the event object can contain an additional optional shouldCache property, which is a boolean that can be used to cache and retry sending events in situations where the event could not be delivered.

By default it is set to true, setting it to false will disable it.

sendEvent example
// send specific event
    (response) => { // success callback
    (error) => { // error callback
        type: Selligent.EventType.BUTTON_CLICKED // specific event
        data: { // optional
            id: 1337,
            randomFlag: true,
            description: "this is some extra information concerning this event"
        email: "someone@somedomain.com" // required
    shouldCache: false // iOS only, optional
// send custom event
    (response) => { // success callback
    (error) => { // error callback
        type: Selligent.EventType.CUSTOM  // custom event
        data: { // required
            id: 1337,
            someFlag: true,
            description: "this is some extra information concerning this event"
        email: "someone@somedomain.com" // ignored
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Selligent.subscribeToEvents(successCallback, errorCallback, eventCallback)

This method is used to subscribe to events.

The response of the success callback is an object which contains information on the type of broadcast event and the data attached to it.

Detailed overview:

Property Type Description
broadcastEventType enum BroadcastEventType The type of broadcast event
data object Contains more information specific to the type of broadcast event

The data property is an object itself containing more information specific to the type of the broadcast event:

In case of a broadcast event type ButtonClicked the detailed overview for the data is as such:

Property Type Description
type iOS: enum iOSNotificationButtonType The type of notification button clicked
Android: integer
value string A certain value the broadcof ast event
id string A certain id of the event
label string A certain label of the event
data object Specific additional data of the event
action integer Specific action of the event

In case of a broadcast event type ReceivedInAppMessage the detailed overview for the data is as such:

Property Type Description
messages array List of messages

And the detailed overview for items in the messages array is as such:

Property Type Description
id string Id of a message
title string Title of a message

In case of a broadcast event type ReceivedGCMToken the detailed overview for the data is as such:

Property Type Description
token string The token attached to the event

In case of a broadcast event type ReceivedRemoteNotification the detailed overview for the data is as such:

Property Type Description
pushId string The id of the remote push notification
name string The name attached to the push notification

In case of a broadcast event type WillDisplayNotification or WillDismissNotification the data prop is null.

Android specific:

On the Android platform you can subscribe to custom events, by parsing an array of strings of these custom events. See the example for more information.

subscribeToEvents example
    (response) => { // success callback
    (error) => { // error callback
    (eventCallback) => {
    ["some custom event x", "navigated to page y", "accepted request z"] // optional, android only
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Android Only/Specific Methods

Selligent.subscribeToEvent(eventCallback, eventName)

This method is used to subscribe to a single event on Android.

The response of the event callback is an object which contains information on the type of broadcast event and the data attached to it.

subscribeToEvent example
    (event) => { // event callback
    "some custom event x" // custom event name
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Check if in-app messages are enabled or disabled.

The response of the success callback returns a boolean stating the in-app messages are enabled or disabled.

areInAppMessagesEnabled example
    (response) => { // success callback
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Selligent.enableAndroidLogging(successCallback, errorCallback, enabled)

Display different actions and information logged by the SDK in the Android Studio logcat.

The enabled parameter is a boolean to effectively enable or disable logging.

enableAndroidLogging example
    (response) => { // success callback
    (error) => { // error callback
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Selligent.displayMessage(successCallback, errorCallback, messageId)

Display a specific in-app message. The method accepts a parameter messageId which is a string containing the id of the in-app message to display.

displayMessage example
    (response) => { // success callback
    (error) => { // error callback
    "some in-app message id"
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Check if notifications are enabled or disabled.

The response of the success callback returns a boolean stating the notifications are enabled or disabled.

areNotificationsEnabled example
    (response) => { // success callback
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Selligent.setNotificationSmallIcon(successCallback, errorCallback, iconName)

Set the small icon of a notification on Android.

The method accepts an iconName parameter which is a string containing the name of the small icon. When the application is closed it will default back to the icons specified in selligent.json.

Note: only parse the name of the icon, without the path. The icon should reside in the res/drawable folder of the Android project, as explained in Android's official guide.

setNotificationSmallIcon example
    (response) => { // success callback
    (error) => { // error callback
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Selligent.setNotificationLargeIcon(successCallback, errorCallback, iconName)

Set the large icon of a notification on Android.

The method accepts an iconName parameter which is a string containing the name of the large icon. When the application is closed it will default back to the icons specified in selligent.json.

Note: only parse the name of the icon, without the path. The icon should reside in the res/drawable folder of the Android project, as explained in Android's official guide.

setNotificationLargeIcon example
    (response) => { // success callback
    (error) => { // error callback
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Get the GCM token being used.

The response of the success callback is a string containing the GCM token.

getGCMToken Example
  (response) => { // success callback
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Selligent.getRemoteMessagesDisplayType(successCallback, errorCallback)

Get the type of the remote messages that are being displayed.

The response of the success callback is a number corresponding with a constant of the AndroidRemoteMessagesDisplayType enum.

getRemoteMessagesDisplayType Example
  (response) => { // success callback
  (error) => { // error callback

Selligent.setFirebaseToken(successCallback, errorCallback, token)

Set the firebase token manually.

setFirebaseToken example
    function (response) { // success callback
    function (error) { // error callback

iOS Only/Specific Methods

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Selligent.enableiOSLogging(successCallback, errorCallback, logLevels)

Display different actions and information logged by the SDK.

The logLevels parameter is an array of logging levels that you want to enable, using the Selligent.iOSLogLevel enum.

To disable a certain level, the existing array of the enabled logging level(s), minus the one you want to disable, should be passed to the method. To disable all log levels you need to use the iOSLogLevel.NONE constant. To enable all log levels use the iOSLogLevel.ALL constant.

enableiOSLogging example
// to enable logging of info, warning and error statements
    (response) => { // success callback
    (error) => { // error callback
    [Selligent.iOSLogLevel.INFO, Selligent.iOSLogLevel.WARNING, Selligent.iOSLogLevel.ERROR]
// to disable all logging
    (response) => { // success callback
    (error) => { // error callback
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Get the current status of location authorisation.

The response of the success callback is a number corresponding with a constant of the Selligent.iOSLocationAuthorisationStatus enum.

currentAuthorisationStatus Example
  (response) => { // success callback
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Selligent.requestLocationAuthorisation(successCallback, errorCallback, iOSLocationAuthorisationType)

Request an authorisation of using location on a device.

The method accepts an iOSLocationAuthorisationType parameter to define the type of authorisation which should be requested as there are two possibilities: "in use" and "always". You can use constants of the Selligent.iOSLocationAuthorisationType enum to specify the authorisation request.

requestLocationAuthorisation Example
  (response) => { // success callback
  (error) => { // error callback
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Selligent.displayNotification(successCallback, errorCallback, notificationId)

Display a notification based on its id, which is a string that needs to be parsed in the method with the notificationId parameter.

displayNotification Example
  (response) => { // success callback
  (error) => { // error callback
  "some notification id"
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Selligent.registerRemoteNotificationFetchCompletionHandler(successCallback, errorCallback)

Register a completion handler for successfully fetching remote notifications.

The success callback is completion handler to be set.

registerRemoteNotificationFetchCompletionHandler example
    (response) => { // success callback
    (error) => { // error callback
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Selligent.forceRemoteNotificationBackgroundFetchResult(successCallback, errorCallback, iOSBackgroundFetchResult)

Force the result of a remote notification fetch to be a specific value.

forceRemoteNotificationBackgroundFetchResult example
    (response) => { // success callback
    (error) => { // error callback
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Defines the interval value to clear the cache.

Name Type Value Description
AUTO number 1 Clear cache automatically (on startup?)
NONE number 2 Don't clear cache
Android.DAY number 3 Clear cache daily, only available on Android
WEEK number 4 Clear cache weekly
MONTH number 5 Clear cache monthly
QUARTER number 6 Clear cache quarterly

Note: ClearCacheIntervalValue.Android.DAY is only used on Android and can not be used on iOS.

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Defines how often the SDK must retrieve the in-app messages.

Name Type Value Description
NONE number 10 Don't refresh the in-app messages
Android.MINUTE number 11 Refresh minutely (only on Android)
HOUR number 12 Refresh hourly
DAY number 13 Refresh weekly

Note: InAppMessageRefreshType.Android.MINUTE is only used on Android and can not be used on iOS.

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Defines if and how remote messages can be displayed on Android.

Name Type Value Description
AUTOMATIC number 20 Display remote messages automatically
NONE number 21 Don't display remote messages
NOTIFICATION number 22 Display remote messages as notification
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Defines the level of output of logging messages on iOS.

Name Type Value Description
NONE number 50 Output nothing
INFO number 51 Output info
WARNING number 52 Output warning
ERROR number 52 Output error
HTTP_CALL number 52 Output http calls
LOCATION number 52 Output location
ALL number 52 Output all
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Description of the possible results of a background fetch on iOS.

Name Type Value Description
NEW_DATA number 60 Background fetch resulted in new data
NO_DATA number 61 Background fetch resulted in no new data
FAILED number 62 Background fetch failed
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Description of the possible status of use of location services on a device.

Name Type Value Description
UNKNOWN number 70 Status of use of location services is unknown
REFUSED number 71 Use of location services is refused
GRANTED_IN_USE number 72 Use of location services is granted when in use
GRANTED_ALWAYS number 72 Use of location services is always granted
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Defines the level of request for the authorisation of usage of location services on a device.

Name Type Value Description
IN_USE number 80 Request authorisation when location services are in use
ALWAYS number 81 Always request the authorisation of the location services
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Defines the type of an event.

Name Type Value Description
USER_REGISTER number 90 User registered
USER_UNREGISTER number 91 User unregistered
USER_LOGIN number 92 User logged in
USER_LOGOUT number 93 User logged out
CUSTOM number 94 Custom event
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Defines the type of button for notifications on iOS.

Name Type Value Description
UNKNOWN number 100 Unknown button type
SIMPLE_OPEN_PHONE_CALL number 101 Simple open phone call button type
OPEN_SMS number 102 Open sms button type
OPEN_MAIL number 103 Open mail button type
OPEN_BROWSER number 104 Open browser button type
OPEN_APPLICATION number 105 Open application button type
RATE_APPLICATION number 105 Rate application button type
CUSTOM_ACTION_BROADCAST_EVENT number 105 Custom action broadcast event button type
RETURN_TEXT number 105 Return text button type
RETURN_PHOTO number 105 Return photo button type
RETURN_TEXT_AND_PHOTO number 105 Return text and photo button type
PASSBOOK number 105 Passbook button type
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Defines the type of a broadcast event.

Name Type Value Description
BUTTON_CLICKED string "ButtonClicked" A button was clicked
RECEIVED_IN_APP_MESSAGE string "ReceivedInAppMessage" An in-app message has been received
WILL_DISPLAY_NOTIFICATION string "WillDisplayNotification" A notification will be displayed
WILL_DISMISS_NOTIFICATION string "WillDismissNotification" A notification will be dismissed
Android.RECEIVED_GCM_TOKEN string "ReceivedGCMToken" A GCM token has been received (only on Android)
iOS.RECEIVED_REMOTE_NOTIFICATION string "ReceivedRemoteNotification" A remote notification has been received (only on iOS)

Notes: BroadcastEventType.Android.RECEIVED_GCM_TOKEN is only used on Android and can not be used on iOS. BroadcastEventType.iOS.RECEIVED_REMOTE_NOTIFICATION is only used on iOS and can not be used on Android.

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