
Automate the upgrade process of a Junos device

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Juniper ZTP upgrade


This script will automate the upgrade of a Juniper device to a final Junos version using different Junos firmwares. So far tested only on a few QFX (QFX10008/16, QFX5200) switches running Junos 15.1 and automatically upgraded to 17.4->18.4->19.4->20.2 without human interaction

The idea is to use the Juniper ZTP feature that is enabled by default in most of the switches. The Juniper device will boot and receive via DHCP a configuration file with a pointer to a SLAX script. The script will be in charge of upgrading the device to the desired Junos version


Just power on your switch, connect the management interface and the switch will upgrade itself. A syslog message will be sent once the process is over.

On devices supporting ZTP where this feature is not enabled by default one needs to enable ZTP first via the following command:

vagrant@virtual-QFX-1# set chassis auto-image-upgrade
vagrant@virtual-QFX-1# commit
configuration check succeeds
commit complete


This solution requires the following:

  1. Update the server ip address in the ztp-upgrade.slax script (variable $SERVER)
  2. One Juniper device to be upgraded
  3. DHCP server configured with a pool of ip address and the Juniper ZTP extensions
  4. Junos initial configuration file (network-base-dhcp.conf) provided by the DHCP server
  5. Web server providing:
    • All Junos firmware files to be used (ie: jinstall*)
    • ASCII file called firmwares containing the list of Junos files to use
    • The script ztp-upgrade.slax

Minimal requirements

In case you want to avoid the DHCP configuration and give it a try you still need:

  1. Update the server ip address in the ztp-upgrade.slax script (variable $SERVER)
  2. One Juniper device to be upgraded
  3. DHCP server configured with a pool of ip address and the Juniper ZTP extensions
  4. Junos initial configuration file (network-base-dhcp.conf) provided by the DHCP server
  5. Web server providing:
    • All Junos firmware files to be used (ie: jinstall*)
    • ASCII file called firmwares containing the list of Junos files to use
    • The script ztp-upgrade.slax

Then log into the Junos device to be upgraded and run the following commands (assuming is the ip address of the web server):

root@qfx5200> configure
root@qfx5200# set event-options generate-event ztp-upgrade time-interval 60
root@qfx5200# set event-options policy ztp-upgrade events ztp-upgrade
root@qfx5200# set event-options policy ztp-upgrade then execute-commands commands "op url output syslog"
root@qfx5200# commit

The Web server should have the following files available:

[root@server html]# pwd
[root@server html]# tree
├── firmwares
├── ztp-upgrade.slax
└── images
    ├── jinstall-host-qfx-5e-flex-x86-64-17.4R3.16-secure-signed.tgz
    ├── jinstall-host-qfx-5e-flex-x86-64-18.4R1.8-secure-signed.tgz
    ├── jinstall-host-qfx-5e-flex-x86-64-18.4R3.3-secure-signed.tgz
    ├── jinstall-host-qfx-5e-flex-x86-64-19.4R2.6-secure-signed.tgz
    ├── jinstall-host-qfx-5e-flex-x86-64-19.3R2.9-secure-signed.tgz
    ├── jinstall-host-qfx-5e-flex-x86-64-20.1R1.11-secure-signed.tgz
    └── jinstall-host-qfx-5e-flex-x86-64-20.2R1.10-secure-signed.tgz

You need to create a firmwares file containing the list of junos firmwares to be used per model. The following is an example for a QFX5200

cat /var/www/html/firmwares
# No whitespaces between comma separated items
# You can specify multiple entries, so different upgrades will be performed
# NOTE: Only one firmware version per major junos release will be used
# In case of more than one version per major junos release, only the first
# will be used. In the example below version 18.4R1.8 will be skipped
# for a QFX5200 switch

# <Model,junos_firmware>
# Model is given by the command "show version | match Model"

# QFX5200
# 15.1 => 17.4 => 18.4 => 19.4 => 20.2


  • In case you have a DHCP server, the minimal configuration is a pool with the Juniper ZTP options, something like
$ cat dhcpd.conf
# dhcpd.conf

default-lease-time 600;
max-lease-time 7200;
log-facility local7;

option ztp-file-server code 150 = { ip-address };
option space ztp-ops;
option ztp-ops.image-file-name code 0 = text;
option ztp-ops.config-file-name code 1 = text;
option ztp-ops.image-file-type code 2 = text;
option ztp-ops.transfer-mode code 3 = text;
option ztp-ops-encap code 43 = encapsulate ztp-ops;

# This is a very basic subnet declaration.
subnet netmask {
  option domain-name "internal.example.org";
  option routers;
  option broadcast-address;
  default-lease-time 600;
  max-lease-time 7200;

  host juniper {
     hardware ethernet ec:38:73:56:83:61;
     option ztp-file-server;
     option host-name "ztp";
     option ztp-ops.config-file-name "ztp-upgrade.slax";
     # firmware option is not used
     # option ztp-ops.image-file-name "/dist/images/jinstall-host-qfx-5e-flex-x86-64-19.1R1.6-secure-signed.tgz";
     option ztp-ops.transfer-mode "http";
  • Start the DHCP server like:
# -f: foreground
# -d: debugging
# -cf: configuration file
$ ifconfig enp1s0f1 netmask up
$ dhcpd -f -d -cf /etc/dhcpd.conf enp1s0f1
  • The Juniper device should get an ip address and the SLAX script. The logs should be something like:
Auto Image Upgrade: Active on INET client interface : vme.0

Auto Image Upgrade: Interface::   "vme"

Auto Image Upgrade: Server::      ""

Auto Image Upgrade: Image File::  "NOT SPECIFIED"

Auto Image Upgrade: Config File:: "ztp-upgrade.slax"

Auto Image Upgrade: Gateway::     ""

Auto Image Upgrade: Protocol::    "http"

Auto Image Upgrade: Start fetching ztp-upgrade.slax file from server t
hrough vme using http

Auto Image Upgrade: File ztp-upgrade.slax fetched from server through

Auto Image Upgrade: Executing script ztp-upgrade.slax

  • After that the device will start the upgrade process in about 60 secs


Upgrade QFX5200 from Junos 20.1 to 20.2

  • Note the device hostname will change a few times during the upgrade process
# Initial Junos version
root@qfx5200> show version
Hostname: qfx5200
Model: qfx5200-32c-32q
Junos: 20.1R1.11 flex

# Start the execution of the script in 1 minute
# Note the system hostname cannot contain the string "Juniper"
root@qfx5200> configure
root@qfx5200# set event-options generate-event ztp-upgrade time-interval 60
root@qfx5200# set event-options policy ztp-upgrade events ztp-upgrade
root@qfx5200# set event-options policy ztp-upgrade then execute-commands commands "op url output syslog server"
root@qfx5200# commit and-quit

# Show the log messages
root@qfx5200> show log messages | match "Upgrade Juniper ZTP"
Aug 12 14:34:13  Registering cscript: Upgrade Juniper ZTP (s/n: WH9999999999): New device model: qfx5200-32c-32q, serial: WH9999999999, junos: 20.1R1.11, boot: 2020-08-12 14:13:01 UTC, ip:
Aug 12 14:34:14  Registering cscript: Upgrade Juniper ZTP (s/n: WH9999999999): Retrieving the list of Junos firmwares from:
Aug 12 14:34:15  Registering cscript: Upgrade Juniper ZTP (s/n: WH9999999999): Skip Junos file 17.4R3.16-secure-signed.tgz
Aug 12 14:34:16  Registering cscript: Upgrade Juniper ZTP (s/n: WH9999999999): Skip Junos file 18.4R3.3-secure-signed.tgz
Aug 12 14:34:17  Registering cscript: Upgrade Juniper ZTP (s/n: WH9999999999): Skip Junos file 18.4R1.8-secure-signed.tgz
Aug 12 14:34:20  Registering cscript: Upgrade Juniper ZTP (s/n: WH9999999999): Skip Junos file 19.4R2.6-secure-signed.tgz
Aug 12 14:34:21  Registering cscript: Upgrade Juniper ZTP (s/n: WH9999999999): Skip Junos file 20.2R1.10-secure-signed.tgz
Aug 12 14:34:22  Registering cscript: Upgrade Juniper ZTP (s/n: WH9999999999): Target Junos version file for model qfx5200-32c-32q is: jinstall-host-qfx-5e-flex-x86-64-20.2R1.10-secure-signed.tgz
Aug 12 14:34:23  Registering cscript: Upgrade Juniper ZTP (s/n: WH9999999999): Cleaning up some storage space
Aug 12 14:34:35  Registering cscript: Upgrade Juniper ZTP (s/n: WH9999999999): Upgrading to jinstall-host-qfx-5e-flex-x86-64-20.2R1.10-secure-signed.tgz. Download in progress. Be patient
Aug 12 14:41:51  Registering cscript: Upgrade Juniper ZTP (s/n: WH9999999999): File from: copiey
Aug 12 14:41:52  Registering cscript: Upgrade Juniper ZTP (s/n: WH9999999999): Installing file /tmp/jinstall-host-qfx-5e-flex-x86-64-20.2R1.10-secure-signed.tgz with options: unlink
Aug 12 14:48:47  Registering cscript: Upgrade Juniper ZTP (s/n: WH9999999999): Junos jinstall-host-qfx-5e-flex-x86-64-20.2R1.10-secure-signed.tgz was just installed. Output:  Verified...
Aug 12 14:48:48  Registering cscript: Upgrade Juniper ZTP (s/n: WH9999999999): Rebooting in 1 minute... (to cancel type: clear system reboot)

(...The device is being upgraded to Junos 20.2, a couple of reboots later...)

# Once the device is back up again, the script will run again...
Aug 12 15:07:20  Registering cscript: Upgrade Juniper ZTP (s/n: WH9999999999): New device model: qfx5200-32c-32q, serial: WH9999999999, junos: 20.2R1.10, boot: 2020-08-12 15:05:13 UTC, ip:
Aug 12 15:07:21  Registering cscript: Upgrade Juniper ZTP (s/n: WH9999999999): Retrieving the list of Junos firmwares from:
Aug 12 15:07:22  Registering cscript: Upgrade Juniper ZTP (s/n: WH9999999999): Skip Junos file 17.4R3.16-secure-signed.tgz
Aug 12 15:07:23  Registering cscript: Upgrade Juniper ZTP (s/n: WH9999999999): Skip Junos file 18.4R3.3-secure-signed.tgz
Aug 12 15:07:24  Registering cscript: Upgrade Juniper ZTP (s/n: WH9999999999): Skip Junos file 18.4R1.8-secure-signed.tgz
Aug 12 15:07:27  Registering cscript: Upgrade Juniper ZTP (s/n: WH9999999999): Skip Junos file 19.4R2.6-secure-signed.tgz
Aug 12 15:07:28  Registering cscript: Upgrade Juniper ZTP (s/n: WH9999999999): Skip Junos file 20.2R1.10-secure-signed.tgz
Aug 12 15:07:29  Registering cscript: Upgrade Juniper ZTP (s/n: WH9999999999): Target Junos version file for model qfx5200-32c-32q is: jinstall-host-qfx-5e-flex-x86-64-20.2R1.10-secure-signed.tgz
Aug 12 15:07:30  Registering cscript: Upgrade Juniper ZTP (s/n: WH9999999999): Already running version 20.2R1.10. No need to upgrade
Aug 12 15:07:45  Upgraded cscript: Upgrade Juniper ZTP (s/n: WH9999999999): Trying default configuration file
Aug 12 15:07:46  Upgraded cscript: Upgrade Juniper ZTP (s/n: WH9999999999): Warning: Not able to find default configuration file
Aug 12 15:07:47  Upgraded cscript: Upgrade Juniper ZTP (s/n: WH9999999999): Removing script from event-options
Aug 12 15:08:02  Juniper-WH9999999999 cscript: Upgrade Juniper ZTP (s/n: WH9999999999): Upgrade completed: qfx5200-32c-32q, serial: WH9999999999, junos: 20.2R1.10, boot: 2020-08-12 15:05:13 UTC, ip: