
Handle settings variables for pyramid projects

Primary LanguagePython


Replaces most of your configuraton ini-files with YAML or JSON that can be reused or extended.

So why would you want this?

  • If you're somewhat worried about that ini-file that seems to contain more and more sensitive information required by each package you install.

  • In case you really dislike ini-files and have found some YAML love.

  • You're starting to realize that manually editing ini-files, switching on and off components is getting quite tedious.

  • You want to script deployment easier.

  • You don't want to muck about with converting string values passed to settings.

  • You have some other file format you want to add an extension for.

Basic usage

The most basic usage would be to tell pyramid to include pyramid_settings, and then direct the rest of the configuration to that file.

Your paster-ini file look something like this:

pyramid.includes =
pyramid_settings.files =

Order matters here, so development.yaml will overwrite similar values within basics.yaml.

Your configuration files will be added to the settings dict present at registry.settings within Pyramid.

Values prefixed with pyramid_settings won't be overwritten or included in the settings var, since they're used by this package.

Directives within loaded files

The included settings file themselves may contain information used load or include other packages as well.


Other settings files to load and include. Uses relative path from the file that references them.


Other packages to include after the current file has been loaded.

So your development.yaml might look something like this

  - redis.yaml

And then the referenced file redis.yaml

redis.sessions.secret: <somethingsecret>
redis.sessions.timeout = 600000

pyramid_settings.includes: pyramid_redis_sessions

The pyramid_redis_sessions package will be loaded after the injection of the required settings.

Advanced: Writing your own loader

In case you want other formats than yaml and json, simply subclass pyramid_settings.models.BaseSettingsLoader.

This simple example should give you an idea.

import json

from pyramid_settings.models import BaseSettingsLoader

class MySpecialJSONLoader(BaseSettingsLoader):
    """ A custom loader

    def load(self, filename):
        """ Load data from 'filename' and pass it
            to the update function as a dict.
        with open(filename) as f:
            data = json.load(f)
        self.update(data, filename)

To make it discoverable by the pyramid_settings package, register it as a named adapter. The name in this case is the same thing as the file ending.

So when including your package:

def includeme(config):
    config.registry.registerAdapter(MySpecialJSONLoader, name='specialjson')

The above example would use this adapter for any file ending with 'specialjson' for instance 'mysettings.specialjson'.

Note that this must be done before including pyramid_settings.

If you need to override any of the included json and yaml adapters, you either need to run config.commit() or config.registry.unregisterAdapter first. (Since Pyramid has detection for conflicting configuration)

See the Pyramid docs for more information.

Bugs or suggestions?
