- 0
- 2
Multiple lines in one chart?
#99 opened by Pixelherz23 - 3
Upgrade spark to androidx
#80 opened by Laman560 - 1
- 9
Scrubbing with X Value
#28 opened by itspatricyall - 3
- 2
#78 opened by hossein-no1 - 0
频繁调用notifyDataSetChanged, 导致native内存持续增高,且无法回收
#81 opened by lb0820ynn - 3
Fill with gradient
#69 opened by 0xMatthewGroves - 1
- 1
Conditionally color sparkline
#76 opened by DZehden - 1
error: attribute spark_fillColor not found
#75 opened by cgposh - 6
Why doesn't onScrubbed include both x and y?
#72 opened by JBlaz - 1
Thank you..
#71 opened by erluxman - 2
BaseLine dotted line sample
#70 opened by singh029 - 1
Setting cornerRadius to non-zero results in fill closing path also using radius
#66 opened by cammace - 3
- 3
Allow generic drawing effects
#63 opened by danh32 - 6
Show min and max values.
#61 opened by pkhivesara - 3
[Request] New animation
#60 opened by kojimasuki - 2
question : support gradient color ?
#59 opened by shakeri-mreza - 4
can i take double DataType in y axis
#47 opened by suveshagnihotri - 4
New release soon?
#57 opened by CurtJRees - 4
- 1
Gradient support
#50 opened by salan1 - 0
Fill graph animation and boundary lines
#48 opened by Winghin2517 - 2
Allow different fill color to spark line color
#37 opened by RichyHBM - 1
Is it possible to add axis?
#46 opened by ahtsan - 2
Proposal: Rename stylable tag to SparkView.
#43 opened by naturalwarren - 2
Update Tags For Gradle
#36 opened by saltyskip - 6
Add animation types
#26 opened by raoninovellino - 1
Custom Line Chart
#35 opened by enes-sakut - 1
- 5
[REQUEST] iOS and React Native
#29 opened by safaiyeh - 4
Spark for iOS
#12 opened by mazurio - 3
- 3
Set Data Bound, Y max and Y min
#24 opened by alifgiant - 3
- 3
Add support for multiple lines (comparison)
#23 opened by zoltish - 6
DataSet with one value isnt being drawn
#18 opened by zoltish - 1
Dinamic graph
#19 opened by aingerusanchez - 8
Spark has trouble displaying time-series data
#16 opened by Azeirah - 1
ScrubWidth is using LineWidth in Constructor
#17 opened by zoltish - 3
Fill Color
#15 opened by sijangurung - 2
#13 opened by guavabot - 4
- 5
Manually set min/max values of dataset
#2 opened by scompt