MERN Boilerplate


This is a MERN stack application boilerplate. Session authentication and frontend basic authentication are already handled.

Setting up

Clone the project, remove the .git file set at the root directory. rm -rf .git

Initializing the client with git:

cd ./client
git init
git add . (yes.)
git commit -m "Initial Commit"
Create an empty git repository for your client application copy the repo url and
git remote add origin <your origin>
git push origin master

Initializing the server with git:

cd ./server
git init
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
Create an empty git repository for your server application, copy the repo url and
git remote add origin <your origin>
git push origin master


  • npm install to install all the dependencies.
  • create a .env at same level as the package.json file, and set the environement variables.
  • npm start to run the application.


  • npm install to install all the dependencies.
  • create a .env at same level as the package.json file, and set the environement variables.
  • npm run dev to run the application.

Environment variables




PORT = ???
