
SpaM-Align is an experimental multiple alignment tool written by Robin Hundt as part of his bachelor thesis @gobics Göttingen.

Primary LanguageRust



In order to compile this program, the latest stable Rust toolchain is needed. Installing this can be conveniently done via the toolchain manager rustup (Link).

After having installed the latest stable toolchain, the program can be built and run by executing

cargo run --release -- --help

Note that program specific parameters must be passed after the --.
Alternatively the binary (called spam-align) can be installed by issuing:

cargo install --path .


The contained tests can be run by executing:

cargo test --release

Note that, while --release is not required, the tests take considerably longer if executed in debug mode.


There are some benchmarks located under benches which can be run with:

cargo bench


When setting the Env variable RUST_LOG=info the program will print some timing information.


The algorithm for checking and updating transitivity frontiers is a reimplementation and improvement ofgst GABIOS-LIB.