


This is a project for credit and we are therefore not accepting contributions from people outside out project group at this time. Depending on workload we may begin to accept contributions in the future, but this will not be before summer 2013.

System Requirements

At this stage we cannot confirm what the system requirements will be, but we do know that you will need a Windows based PC, preferably with Windows 7. The .NET framework is also likely to be a requirement, as is the Kinect SDK. If you would like to fork this repo and modify the code you will almost certainly need some version of MS Visual Studio because of the way the project files have been set up (and so you can easily compile the code). We used MS Visual Studio 2010 Professional but others may work.


This project is in its pre-Alpha stage and, hence cannot be installed at this early stage. In fact we offer no guarantees that the code will even compile, especially things that you may find in the prototyping directory.


This software can only be run from within Visual Studio 2010 at this present time.

Current Dependencies

We are currently making use of the following 3rd party libraries (subject to change):

  • Emgu CV (Image processing)
  • Helix 3D (3D Modelling)
  • Kinect SDK (Kinect)
  • VTK 6 (Visual Toolkit)
  • Python 3.3.2 (Interface to visual toolkit)