KWIC Extension and CI Assignment

This is a Maven project. You need to install Maven first before coding.

This project was developed with Java 8. Make sure you have appropriate SDK installed on your machine.

Install Maven

Maven is a build manager for Java projects. It helps you to install Java libraries, automate the project build process and manage your Java project.

Install Maven on:

  • Mac: as simple as $ brew install maven (in case you don't know what is Homebrew, you should use it now).
  • Ubuntu: $ sudo apt-get install maven
  • Windows: refer to this guide

Import project to Eclipse IDE

After installing Maven, you should be able to Import the project into the Eclipse workspace by choosing "Import" -> "Maven" -> "Existing Maven project". Select the path to the pom.xml file of your project and click "Finish". The Eclipse IDE should be able to automatically install project dependencies if Maven is properly installed.

Refer to this guide if you meet any issues for importing.

Run the project

You can run the program from Make sure you have played it adequately before coding :)


You are required to implement the "Required Words" feature, and set up the Travis CI with your project repository.

  • You are expected to study the given code structure, and understand how it works first before coding. The example base code for is provided to you, or you can implement your own design. All the necessary interactions between UI and logic are provided to you.
  • Set up the Travis CI for your project repo to make sure all tests are run and passed in the CI. Implement the Travis config file (.travis.yml). You are encouraged to learn more about Travis CI and modify the config file for your need.