
NUS Orbital - Software Testing

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NUS Orbital - Software Testing

Things to Bring:

  1. Writing Materials and Papers (Very important)
  2. Charged laptop + Laptop Charger


  1. Java JDK 8 and above. Not sure? Just download JDK 12.

  2. IntelliJ IDE (Community / Ultimate).

  3. Maven - Follow instructions here.

Importing Project into IntelliJ:

  1. Download the source code here.
  2. Unzip the folder.
  3. Open IntelliJ and select Import Project.
  4. In the folder, there is a file named pom.xml. Select this file to import, not the folder!
  5. Click Next > Next.
  6. Select the Java JDK you have downloaded earlier.
  7. Click Next > Next > Finish
  8. If Tip of the Day popup appears, close it.
  9. Notice the popup at the bottom-right hand corner of the screen. Click on the "Add as Maven project" link.
  10. This is when the Build Automation comes into play - IntelliJ downloads the necessary plugins and dependencies defined in pom.xml, without you downloading them manually.

Final Checks:

Click on Build > Rebuild Project. The project should compile successfully.