
Inspect Azure Service Bus messages silently without touching them.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Azure Service Bus Spy

A simple command line tool to silently inspect Azure Service Bus messages without touching them.

As other existing tools like the Service Bus Explorer mostly run on Windows only, I descided to quickly write a cross-platform command line tool based on .NET Core to explore messages in Azure Service Bus.


Make sure to have at least .NET Core 2.1 installed on your machine.

dotnet tool install servicebusspy --global

Update or remove

# Update
dotnet tool update servicebusspy --global

# Remove
dotnet tool uninstall servicebusspy --global


List all messages of a queue

servicebusspy list 
  --queue "Test" \
  --verbose # optional

Add a message to a queue

servicebusspy add "Message Content" \
  --queue "Test" \

Subscribe to new messages in a queue

servicebusspy subscribe 
  --queue "Test" \
  --verbose # optional

Delete (dead letters) all messages in a queue

servicebusspy clear 
  --queue "Test" \