
A Gatsby starter to showcase your open-source projects.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A Gatsby starter to showcase your open-source projects.

Getting started


With the Gatsby CLI

gatsby new my-gatsby-site https://github.com/robinmetral/gatsby-starter-oss

On GitHub

Create a new repo from gatsby-starter-oss with the GitHub Use this template button, or click here.

Add a GitHub token

The starter expects a GitHub token (with repo access). The default config expects it in the GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable.

You can simply create a token here, add it to the .env-example file, rename the file .env, and you're ready to go!


  • :octocat: Showcases your pinned repos from GitHub
  • 👩‍🎤 Styled with Emotion
  • ✨ Themeable with Theme UI
  • 🚀 Powered by gatsby-theme-oss
  • 💯 100/100 Lighthouse scores


Feel free to open an issue on robinmetral/gatsby-theme-oss!