
A Python client for Volkswagen CarNet

Primary LanguagePython


This client will be integrated in the library itself later on.

Can be found here

Python3 Volkswagen CarNet Client


This is a python client that connects to Volkswagen Carnet. It allows you to retreive information about your vehicle and also allows you to start charging etc.


It requires volkswagencarnet library that can be installed from pip:

[venv-python3] user@localhost:~
$ pip install volkswagencarnet

[venv-python3] user@localhost:~
$ git clone https://github.com/robinostlund/volkswagen-carnet-client.git

[venv-python3] user@localhost:~
$ volkswagen-carnet-client/carnet-client.py -h


$ carnet.py -h
usage: carnet.py [-h] -u CARNET_USERNAME -p CARNET_PASSWORD -t
                 [-w] [-r CARNET_RETRY]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -w                    Specify -w if you want to wait for response on your
  -r CARNET_RETRY       Specify -r <number of retries> if you want to retry
                        action if it fails

required arguments:
  -u CARNET_USERNAME    Specify your carnet username here
  -p CARNET_PASSWORD    Specify your carnet password here
  -t {info,start-charge,stop-charge,start-climat,stop-climat,start-window-heating,stop-window-heating}


export CARNET_USERNAME='my volkswagen carnet username'
export CARNET_PASSWORD="my volkswagen carnet password'

# Get carnet information
$ carnet.py -u $CARNET_USERNAME -p $CARNET_PASSWORD -t info
# Get carnet information and wait for confirmation from vehicle
$ carnet.py -u $CARNET_USERNAME -p $CARNET_PASSWORD -t info -w
# Get carnet information and wait for confirmation from vehicle and try it for 5 times
$ carnet.py -u $CARNET_USERNAME -p $CARNET_PASSWORD -t info -r 5

# Start charging
$ carnet.py -u $CARNET_USERNAME -p $CARNET_PASSWORD -t start-charge
# Start charging and wait for confirmation from vehicle
$ carnet.py -u $CARNET_USERNAME -p $CARNET_PASSWORD -t start-charge -w 
# Start charging and wait for confirmation from vehicle and try it for 5 times
$ carnet.py -u $CARNET_USERNAME -p $CARNET_PASSWORD -t start-charge -r 5

# Stop charging
$ carnet.py -u $CARNET_USERNAME -p $CARNET_PASSWORD -t stop-charge
# Stop charging and wait for confirmation from vehicle
$ carnet.py -u $CARNET_USERNAME -p $CARNET_PASSWORD -t stop-charge -w 
# Stop charging and wait for confirmation from vehicle and try it for 5 times
$ carnet.py -u $CARNET_USERNAME -p $CARNET_PASSWORD -t stop-charge -r 5

# Start climat
$ carnet.py -u $CARNET_USERNAME -p $CARNET_PASSWORD -t start-climat
# Start climat and wait for confirmation from vehicle
$ carnet.py -u $CARNET_USERNAME -p $CARNET_PASSWORD -t start-climat -w
# Start climat and wait for confirmation from vehicle and try it for 5 times
$ carnet.py -u $CARNET_USERNAME -p $CARNET_PASSWORD -t start-climat -r 5

# Stop climat
$ carnet.py -u $CARNET_USERNAME -p $CARNET_PASSWORD -t stop-climat
# Stop climat and wait for confirmation from vehicle
$ carnet.py -u $CARNET_USERNAME -p $CARNET_PASSWORD -t stop-climat -w
# Stop climat and wait for confirmation from vehicle and try it for 5 times
$ carnet.py -u $CARNET_USERNAME -p $CARNET_PASSWORD -t stop-climat -r 5

# Start window heating
$ carnet.py -u $CARNET_USERNAME -p $CARNET_PASSWORD -t start-window-heating
# Start window heating and wait for confirmation from vehicle
$ carnet.py -u $CARNET_USERNAME -p $CARNET_PASSWORD -t start-window-heating -w
# Start window heating and wait for confirmation from vehicle and try it for 5 times
$ carnet.py -u $CARNET_USERNAME -p $CARNET_PASSWORD -t start-window-heating -r 5

# Stop window heating
$ carnet.py -u $CARNET_USERNAME -p $CARNET_PASSWORD -t stop-window-heating
# Stop window heating and wait for confirmation from vehicle
$ carnet.py -u $CARNET_USERNAME -p $CARNET_PASSWORD -t stop-window-heating -w
# Stop window heating and wait for confirmation from vehicle and try it for 5 times
$ carnet.py -u $CARNET_USERNAME -p $CARNET_PASSWORD -t stop-window-heating -r 5

Thanks to

