
Boundaries of areas to be targeted for wildcat conservation. Areas selected based on results of wildcat camera trapping surveys performed by WildCru, over the winter of 2013 - 2014. Boundaries of proposed areas were created by Nick Littlewood, at James Hutton Institute, using natural watersheds and water features as geographic limits.

Primary LanguageRuby


dockerfile includes libgeos-dev required to build rgeos

  • API docs


  • Ruby version


  • System dependencies


install postgresql db app (https://postgresapp.com/downloads.html)

  • Configuration

bundle install

  • Database creation

rails db:create && rake db:migrate

  • Populate wildcat data

rake data:wildcat_priority_area_import

  • How to run the test suite

rails test

  • Docker

i've provided a docker file in case thats easier....

docker-compose up

and then db:create && db:migrate then rake data:wildcat_priority_area_import in docker web container