
BibTeX generic citation style (works w multiple inline)

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BibTeX generic citation style (works w multiple inline)

What is this?

This is a Zotero citation style that converts citations to bibtex for Google documents. It's primary use is for Google Docs+Zotero+Overleaf, where:

  • You have a complete draft in Google Doc, with Zotero references inline
  • You have an Overleaf LaTex template

How to Use

  1. Download bibtex_style.csl
  2. Zotero > Settings > Cite Icon > "+" button > select bibtex_style.csl from where you downloaded it
  3. Go to your Google Doc
  4. Zotero > Document Preferences > The citation style box should pop up, select BibTeX generic citation style (works w multiple inline). Insert a bibliography section if you haven't already.
  5. Copy the text portions of the document into Overleaf.
  6. Copy the bibtex portion of the Google Doc bibliography. Save in overleaf as <your_bib_file.bib>
  7. In the Overleaf document replace \bibliography{...} with \bibliography{<your_bib_file.bib>}
  8. Recompile. The pdf should be updated with inline citations, pulling from the bibtex generated by the citation style! You no longer have to do this manually.

What's different?

The original document had some seperator issues and did not wrap citations with \cite{. I suspect I'll need to add paper titles in case same sets of authors publish in the same year but I'll get to it when I get to it.

Thanks to