
⚭ Advanced Neovim configuration for ruby/python/ops/react development ⚭

Primary LanguageVim script

VKO vim configuration

Advanced VIM Configuration for FullStack Developers, for now it's supporting.

  • Backend mostly for Ruby (Rails, Hanami), Elixir, Python, GO
  • Javascript mostly for React
  • Ops: Docker, Nginx, Ansible.

This is a merge between Alex's old config and Rafi's config

Best with Neovim or Vim 8 with +python3 extensions enabled.


  • Fast startup time
  • Robust, yet light-weight
  • Lazy-load 95% of plugins with Shougo/dein.vim
  • Modular configuration
  • Denite (Unite's successor) centric work-flow
  • Extensive Deoplete and Neocomplete setup
  • Lightweight simple status/tabline
  • Easy customizable theme
  • Premium color-schemes
  • Central location for tags


Vim screenshot

Some Key-mappings

General Editing

Key Mode Action
cp Normal Duplicate Paragraph
, + Space Normal Remove all spaces at EOL
<leader>+a Normal Align Paragraph
<leader>+d Normal/Visual Duplicate line or selection
<leader>+saw Normal/Visual Replace all occurences under cursor
W!! Command Write as root
<leader>+o Normal Open tag-bar
<leader>+G Normal Toggle distraction-free writing
gc Normal/visual Toggle comments
cn/cN Normal/Visual Change current word in a repeatable manner
:DiffOrig Command Show the diff of the last save
Ctrl+o Insert Expand snippet
s Visual Replace within se area
Ctrl+o Insert Expand snippet
v Visual/select Expand selection
V Visual/select Reduce selection
gp Normal Select last paste
;+t Normal Search for symbol under cursor
;+o Normal Search for functions


Key Description
; Primary
space Secondary


Key Mode Action
s+t Normal Open new tab (:tabnew)
s+q Normal Closes current buffer (:close)
alt+j Normal Next tab
alt+k Normal Previous tab
Arrows All Resize Splits
ctrl+x All Rotate Splits


Key Mode Action
s+o Normal Close other windows (:only)
s+x Normal Remove buffer, leave blank window
s+v Normal Horizontal split (:split)
s+g Normal Vertical split (:vsplit)
s+b Normal Toggle to last window
<leader>+sv Normal Split with previous buffer
<leader>+sg Normal Vertical split with previous buffer
Ctrl+<hjkl> Normal move to window


Key Mode Action
z+<hjkl> Normal scroll to position
zz Normal scroll in a way the cursors toggle between top and middle

Search for Files (Denite, Fzf)

Key Mode Action
;+f Normal File search
st Denite Open in a new tab
sg Denite Open in a vertical split
sv Denite Open in a horizontal split

Search -> jump to text (EasyMotion)

Key Mode Action
;+/ Normal Search on lines of current file
s+s Normal Jump to two characters from input
s+f Normal Jump over-windows
s+/ Normal/operator Jump to free-search
? Normal go to last edit position
? Normal go to previous cursor position
<leader>+gg Normal/Visual Grep word under cursor

Find and Replace between all files (Far)

Key Mode Action
:Far <from> <to> <files> Command Open find and replace console (alt+shift+f)
t Far Toggle the match above the cursor
:Fardo Far Do the replacement
:F <patter> Command find all

Ctags (Goto definition)

Key Mode Action
Ctrl+] Normal Go to definition
Ctrl+T Normal Jump back from definition
alt+] Normal Go to definition(split vertically)

Multiple Cursor

Key Mode Action
ctrl+n Normal Select next occurence
ctrl+p Normal Undo selection
ctrl+x Normal Skip current


Key Mode Action
Key Mode Action
m+a Normal Show list of all bookmarks
m+x Normal Remove all bookmarks
m+m Normal Toggle bookmark in current line
m+n Normal Jump to next bookmark
m+p Normal Jump to previous bookmark
m+i Normal Annotate bookmark


Key Mode Action
<leader>+se Normal Save current workspace as last session
<leader>+os Normal Load last session


Key Mode Action
<leader>+b Normal Toggle colorscheme background dark/light


Key Mode Action
<leader>+K Normal Thesaurus
<leader>+? Normal Dictionary (macOS only)


Key Mode Action
za Normal Toggle Fold current level
zr Normal reduces folding by opening one more level of folds throughout the whole buffer
zR Normal Open all folds
zMza> Normal Close the others except current

NerdTree and Sidebar

Key Mode Action
;+e Normal Toggle file explorer
;+a Normal Toggle file explorer on current file
<leader>+y Normal Copy file-path to clipboard(relative)
<leader>+Y Normal Copy file-path to clipboard(absolute)
w Inside NerdTree Toggle window size
N Inside NerdTree Create new file or directory
st Inside NerdTree Open file in new tab
sv Inside NerdTree Open file in a horizontal split
sg Inside NerdTree Open file in a vertical split
& Inside NerdTree Jump to project root
gf Inside NerdTree Search in selected directory for files
gr Inside NerdTree Grep in selected directory


Key Mode Action
<leader>+gl Normal Git log (all)
<leader>+gs Normal Git status
<leader>+gc Normal Git changed
<leader>+ga Normal Git add current file
<leader>+gS Normal Git status
<leader>+gd Normal Git diff
<leader>+gD Normal Close diff
<leader>+gc Normal Git commit
<leader>+gb Normal Git blame
<leader>+gB Normal Open in browser
<leader>+gp Normal Git push
m+g Normal Open Magit


Key Mode Action
alt+shif+a Normal/Visual Alig text by given patter

Surround motions

Key Mode Action
," Normal surround "
,' Normal surround '
,] Normal surround ]
,[ Normal surround [
,{ Normal surround {
,} Normal surround }
,( Normal surround (
,) Normal surround )

Extra Text Objects

Key Mode Action
i Normal Indentation level
_ Normal Underscore
e Normal Entire file
r Normal Ruby block



Key Mode Action
NR Command - Open the selected region in a new narrowed window


Key Mode Action
,# Normal ruby string interpolation #{}
r Normal Ruby block
gf Normal goto
:A Command Alternate file
:AS Command Alternate file in split
:R Command Related file
:RS Command Related file in split
]m Normal To edit start of next method definition
]M Normal To go to end of next method definition
[m Normal To start of previous method definition
[M Normal To end of previous method definition
<learder>+rap Normal Add params to method
<learder>+rit Normal Remove declaration of the variable and use the result
<learder>+rcpc Normal From if one line to multiline
<learder>+rec Normal Extract Constant
<learder>+rel Normal Exrtact let
<learder>+relv Normal To local variable
<learder>+rrlv Normal Rename local variable
<learder>+rriv Normal Rename instance variable


Key Mode Action
af Normal function
if Normal inner function
ac Normal class
ic Normal inner class
[pf / ]pf move to next/previous function class
[pc / ]pc move to next/previous class inner class


Key Mode Action
:ImportJSFix Command Import any missing modules and remove any modules that are not used
:JsDoc Command Generate JSDoc for the function


Key Mode Action
Ctrl+y + , Command Expand emmet sequence
Ctrl+y + , Visual Wrap selected tag with emmet sequence
<c-y>d INSERT Balance a Tag Inward
<c-y>D INSERT Balance a Tag Outward
<c-y>n INSERT Go to the Next Edit Point
<c-y>N INSERT Go to the Previous Edit Point


1. Let's clone this repo! Clone to ~/.config/nvim, we'll also symlink it for Vim:

mkdir ~/.config
git clone git://github.com/rafi/vim-config.git ~/.config/nvim
ln -s ~/.vim ~/.config/nvim
  • Note: If your system sets $XDG_CONFIG_HOME, use that instead of ~/.config in the code above. Nvim follows the XDG base-directories convention.

2. Almost done! You'll need a YAML interpreter, if you have Ruby installed - you can skip this step. Otherwise, either install [yaml2json], or use Python:

pip3 install --user --upgrade PyYAML

3. If you are a first-time Neovim user, you need the python-neovim packages. Don't worry, run the script provided:

cd ~/.config/nvim

4. Run make test to test your nvim/vim version and compatibility.

5. Run make to install all plugins.


Recommended Linters

  • Node.js based linters:
npm -g install jshint jsxhint jsonlint stylelint sass-lint
npm -g install raml-cop markdownlint-cli write-good
  • Python based linters:
pip install --user pycodestyle pyflakes flake8 vim-vint proselint yamllint

Recommended Tools


Run make update


Plugin Highlights

  • Package management with caching enabled and lazy loading
  • Project-aware tabs and label
  • NERDTree as file-manager + Git status icons
  • Go completion via vim-go and gocode
  • Javascript completion via Tern
  • Python Jedi completion, PEP8 convention
  • Languages: PHP, Ansible, css3, csv, json, less, markdown, mustache
  • Helpers: Undo tree, bookmarks, git, tmux navigation, hex editor, sessions, and much more.

Note that 95% of the plugins are [lazy-loaded].

Non Lazy-Loaded Plugins

Name Description
Shougo/dein.vim Dark powered Vim/Neovim plugin manager
rafi/awesome-colorschemes Awesome color-schemes
rafi/vim-badge Bite-size badges for the tab & status lines
itchyny/vim-gitbranch Lightweight git branch detection
itchyny/vim-parenmatch Efficient alternative to the standard matchparen plugin
thinca/vim-localrc Enable configuration file of each directory
christoomey/tmux-navigator Seamless navigation between tmux panes and vim splits
junegunn/vim-peekaboo See the contents of registers
tpope/vim-sleuth Heuristically set buffer indent options
itchyny/cursorword Underlines word under cursor

Lazy-Loaded Plugins


Name Description
othree/html5.vim HTML5 omnicomplete and syntax
mustache/vim-mustache-handlebars Mustache and handlebars syntax
pearofducks/ansible-vim Improved YAML support for Ansible
mitsuhiko/vim-jinja Jinja support in vim
groenewege/vim-less Syntax for LESS
hail2u/vim-css3-syntax CSS3 syntax support to vim's built-in syntax/css.vim
othree/csscomplete.vim Updated built-in CSS complete with latest standards
cakebaker/scss-syntax.vim Syntax file for scss (Sassy CSS)
ap/vim-css-color Preview colors in source-code while editing
plasticboy/vim-markdown Markdown syntax highlighting
rhysd/vim-gfm-syntax GitHub Flavored Markdown syntax highlight extension
pangloss/vim-javascript Enhanced Javascript syntax
othree/jspc.vim JavaScript Parameter Complete
MaxMEllon/vim-jsx-pretty React JSX syntax pretty highlighting
heavenshell/vim-jsdoc Generate JSDoc to your JavaScript code
moll/vim-node Superb development with Node.js
elzr/vim-json Better JSON support
fatih/vim-go Go development
tbastos/vim-lua Improved Lua 5.3 syntax and indentation support
vim-python/python-syntax Enhanced version of the original Python syntax
Vimjas/vim-python-pep8-indent A nicer Python indentation style
python_match.vim Extend the % motion for Python files
tmhedberg/SimpylFold No-BS Python code folding
raimon49/requirements.txt.vim Python requirements file format
StanAngeloff/php.vim Up-to-date PHP syntax file (5.3 – 7.1 support)
shawncplus/phpcomplete.vim PHP completion
osyo-manga/vim-monster Ruby code completion
toyamarinyon/vim-swift Swift support
vim-jp/syntax-vim-ex Improved Vim syntax highlighting
chrisbra/csv.vim Handling column separated data
tmux-plugins/vim-tmux vim plugin for tmux.conf
cespare/vim-toml Syntax for TOML
PotatoesMaster/i3-vim-syntax i3 window manager config syntax
dag/vim-fish Fish shell edit support
ekalinin/Dockerfile.vim syntax and snippets for Dockerfile
jstrater/mpvim Macports portfile configuration files
tpope/vim-git Git runtime files
robbles/logstash.vim Highlights logstash configuration files
andreshazard/vim-logreview Bueatify log viewing
exu/pgsql.vim PostgreSQL syntax
othree/nginx-contrib-vim Fork official vim nginx
IN3D/vim-raml Syntax and language settings for RAML


Name Description
scrooloose/nerdtree Tree explorer plugin
Xuyuanp/nerdtree-git-plugin NERDTree plugin for showing git status
chemzqm/vim-easygit Git wrapper focus on simplity and usability
tpope/vim-commentary Code commenting helper
t9md/vim-choosewin Choose window to use, like tmux's 'display-pane'
Shougo/vinarise.vim Hex editor
kana/vim-niceblock Make blockwise Visual mode more useful
guns/xterm-color-table.vim Display 256 xterm colors with their RGB equivalents
mbbill/undotree Ultimate undo history visualizer
metakirby5/codi.vim The interactive scratchpad for hackers
Shougo/vimproc.vim Interactive command execution
reedes/vim-wordy Uncover usage problems in your writing
brooth/far.vim Fast find and replace plugin
jreybert/vimagit Ease your git work-flow within Vim
easymotion/vim-easymotion Vim motions on speed
majutsushi/tagbar Displays tags in a window, ordered by scope
beloglazov/vim-online-thesaurus Look up words in an online thesaurus


Name Description
haya14busa/vim-asterisk Improved * motions
rhysd/accelerated-jk Up/down movement acceleration
Shougo/tabpagebuffer.vim Tabpage buffer interface
airblade/vim-gitgutter Show git changes at Vim gutter and un/stages hunks
nathanaelkane/vim-indent-guides Visually display indent levels in code
MattesGroeger/vim-bookmarks Bookmarks, works independently from vim marks
rhysd/committia.vim Pleasant editing on Git commit messages
benekastah/neomake Asynchronous linting and make framework
goyo Distraction-free writing
limelight Hyperfocus-writing
itchyny/calendar.vim Calendar application
vimwiki/vimwiki Personal Wiki for Vim


Name Description
Shougo/deoplete.nvim Neovim: Dark powered asynchronous completion framework
Shougo/neocomplete Next generation completion framework
Shougo/neosnippet.vim Contains neocomplete snippets source
Raimondi/delimitMate Auto-completion for quotes, parens, brackets
ludovicchabant/vim-gutentags Manages your tag files
mattn/emmet-vim Provides support for expanding abbreviations alá emmet
Shougo/echodoc.vim Print objects' documentation in echo area
Shougo/neosnippet-snippets Standard snippets repository for neosnippet
davidhalter/jedi-vim Python jedi autocompletion library
zchee/deoplete-go deoplete.nvim source for Go
zchee/deoplete-jedi deoplete.nvim source for Python
carlitux/deoplete-ternjs deoplete.nvim source for javascript
wellle/tmux-complete.vim Completion of words in adjacent tmux panes
ternjs/tern_for_vim Provides Tern-based JavaScript editing support


Name Description
Shougo/denite.nvim Dark powered asynchronous unite all interfaces
nixprime/cpsm File matcher, specialized for paths
chemzqm/unite-location Denite location & quickfix lists
chemzqm/denite-git gitlog, gitstatus and gitchanged sources
rafi/vim-denite-z Filter and browse Z (jump around) data file
rafi/vim-denite-session Browse and open sessions
rafi/vim-denite-mpc Denite source for browsing your MPD music library

Operators & Text Objects

Name Description
[michaeljsmith/vim-indent-object] Representing lines of code at the same indent level
kana/vim-operator-user Define your own custom operators
kana/vim-operator-replace Operator to replace text with register content
rhysd/vim-operator-surround Operator to enclose text objects
haya14busa/vim-operator-flashy Highlight yanked area
kana/vim-textobj-user Create your own text objects
bkad/CamelCaseMotion Provide CamelCase motion through words
terryma/vim-expand-region Visually select increasingly larger regions of text
AndrewRadev/sideways.vim Match function arguments
AndrewRadev/splitjoin.vim Transition code between multi-line and single-line
AndrewRadev/linediff.vim Perform diffs on blocks of code
glts/vim-textobj-comment Text objects for comments
AndrewRadev/dsf.vim Delete surrounding function call
osyo-manga/vim-textobj-multiblock Handle bracket objects
kana/vim-textobj-function Text objects for functions

Constributions are welcome:

- Snippets for comments, like: https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Comment-Snippets
- React Snippets
- Fold by levels like Atom/Sublime
- Map f9 to :sort
- Ruby string interpolation automatically
- Instal gist-vim