
Advanced Python for Data Science final project

Primary LanguageHTML


Advanced Python for Data Science final project

by Cary Judson and Robi Rahman

Project Proposal

We want to make a web app that helps high schoolers decide where to apply to college. It would run on Django, with a frontend webpage that takes input from the user about their preferences (such as small vs large universities, geographical region, etc), queries a database with information about e.g. 100 colleges, computes some scoring functions that assess how well each college fits the user's preferences, and produces recommendations.

Example: user wants to go to university in the northeast, at a private school that has around 7000 undergraduates, and they have an SAT score of 1500 -> app recommends they should apply to Harvard.

Similarly to Pset 3's document embeddings, we can compute comparisons between different universities, so that users could also type in a specific college they are interested in, and the app will show similar ones from the database. During the course of this project we will learn how to query stored data using the Django framework, and use python to perform computations using this data as input and then deliver results to the user.

Project Scope


  1. Implement web scraping and data loading workflow via Prefect.
  2. NLP of Wikipedia articles to train word2vec model and embed college descriptions.
  3. GitHub Actions to deploy Sphinx documentation pages.


  1. ORM models to set up SQLite database of college information.
  2. Django web server and frontend HTML forms.
  3. Calculations that score colleges based on the user's input.

Project Initialization Workflow

The project begins with Niche's top 100 list of Best colleges in America, scraped from their website and then saved to an S3 bucket. We decided to use Niche rather than the more popular rankings such as US News because they publish a combined list that includes research universities and liberal arts colleges, whereas US News ranks them separately in such a way that you cannot determine relative placement between colleges on different lists. The scraped HTML from Niche is then processed using Beautiful Soup, where relevant facts are collected by analyzing the HTML. For facts not available from the Niche list, such as student body population, in-state and out-of-state tuition, the workflow then queries the US Department of Education's College Scorecard API. To obtain descriptions of each college, the workflow fetches the contents of their Wikipedia entries using the Wikipedia python library. These pages are then tokenized and provided to word2vec to train a word embedding model similar to the one used for Pset 3; the wikipedia articles are then embedded and stored as a numeric vector representing the description of each college. The vectors and college data are then saved into a SQLite database which will be used by the web app. This workflow is executed by Prefect, a task automation and scheduling package which is similar to Luigi but more readable and user-friendly. The workflow is organized into tasks and flows, designated by simply placing a Prefect @task decorator on each step.


for x in soup.select(".card"):
    if x.find(string="Sponsored") is None:
        for y in x.select(".search-result__title"):
            name = y.text

wiki_list = []
for search in names:
    #search wikipedia
    wiki = wikipedia.page(search).content
    #save wikipedia page text in list
data = {'wiki': wiki_list}
wiki_list = pd.DataFrame(data=data)
return wiki_list

wiki_list = wiki_list['wiki'].to_list()
tokenized_sentences = np.array(list(map(WordEmbedding.tokenize, wiki_list)))
model = Word2Vec(tokenized_sentences, window=2, min_count=0, vector_size=100, workers=4)
words = model.wv.key_to_index
we_dict = {word: model.wv[word] for word in words}
#basically, feed it into pset 3 stuff, no explain needed
embedding = WordEmbedding(we_dict)
embeddings = np.array(list(map(embedding.embed_document, wiki_list)))

embedding = WordEmbedding(we_dict)
embeddings = np.array(list(map(embedding.embed_document, wiki_list)))
college_embedding = pd.DataFrame(embeddings, names)

Application Deployment

Once the workflow has completed, the app is ready for deployment. Upon running the Django server, the app hosts a web form with a survey of different aspects of colleges, including a free response text field. The user can fill in their preferences and a description of their desired college, and then submit the form. This triggers a POST request, from which Django obtains their inputs, and computes a match score based on the similarity of the user's responses to the data about each college, queried from the database which was populated by the workflow. The server then returns the top 10 colleges by match score and displays them on a results page.

The database models are designed using a snowflake schema with college locations stored as foreign keys to states rather than as strings. This allows states to be grouped into regions, and users can specify a preference to attend college in a geographical region, in which case colleges in those states are elevated in the results. See the docstrings for the Django models for details.

Project Conclusions

During this project, we gained experience with various aspects of Python programming. Web scraping was a new challenge not explored earlier in the class, but we were able to find and apply several packages that made it easy to collect valuable data. It is noteworthy that Niche sells the data we needed through a premium subscription service, but as advanced python programmers, it is possible to obtain it for free using open source tools, and even automate the process.

Advanced python concepts were applied in several ways to optimize the project's implementation. The Prefect library's @task decorator can be applied to any functions to wrap them into the workflow. Partial function evaluation was helpful when processing a set of user inputs, by binding it to the general function that computes the match between any student and any college, and returning a specific function that computes the match between any college and a specific student. This function can then be applied in a functional, vectorized manner to each college in the dataset, to efficiently find the top matches. Predicate pushdown on matching state or region foreign keys reduces computational overhead while finding colleges that match a student's location preferences.

The final product, our college recommendation engine, produces better recommendations than any of the major alternatives available online from large companies such as College Board, US News, and Niche. Most of them are categorical, and work by ruling out schools that are not exact matches for a student's query: for example, they ask if you want to join a fraternity in college, and if you say yes (/no) they only show colleges that do (/don't) have fraternities. Our app is quantitative and still might put a college in your top 10 if it is different from one desired aspect but fulfills most of your other preferences. We also have a free response form that processes descriptions; there are similar alternatives, such as CollegeBoard's BigFuture, but those search for matching keywords rather than judging similarity of meaning or qualities.