Json file convertion to js chunk creates a sublevel: [lang]_default
Closed this issue · 2 comments
Angular: 17.1.0
Angular-l10n: 16
Translations are broken because a sublevel is created in the js version.
Original json file
"Previous": "Précédent",
"Done": "Terminé",
"Sign-in to your account": "Connectez-vous à votre compte",
"Wrong login or password": "Identifiant ou mot de passe incorrect"
Chunked js
var Previous = "Pr\xE9c\xE9dent";
var Done = "Termin\xE9";
var to = "vers";
var fr_default = {
"Sign-in to your account": "Connectez-vous \xE0 votre compte",
"Wrong login or password": "Identifiant ou mot de passe incorrect"
Hi @johaven,
I assume you are using dynamic import as in the recent documentation example (I remind you here that it is just an example: implemeting L10nTranslationLoader you can load the file in the way you prefer).
Angular v17 uses esbuild
by default. In newer bundlers, such as esbuild
, vite
, and rollupjs
, the return value of a dynamic import is a javascript object.
Now in your example, you are using keys that are valid in a json, but are not valid in a javascript object, because they are not valid variable names.
You have two alternatives: implement a different loader, or import and transform the files by yourself, like this:
import it from '../i18n/it-IT/app.json';
import en from '../i18n/en-US/app.json';
@Injectable() export class TranslationLoader implements L10nTranslationLoader {
public get(language: string, provider: L10nProvider): Observable<{ [key: string]: any }> {
let data: any;
switch (language) {
case 'it-IT':
data = it;
data = en;
return of(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data)));
and add "resolveJsonModule": true
in tsconfig.
Hope this helps!
@robisim74 thank you for your explanation :)