- 0
Migration Angular 17 -> 18 : NG0203: inject() must be called from an injection
#350 opened by johaven - 2
- 2
Will there be an Angular 18 release?
#348 opened by jonmarozick - 4
Allow for template elements inside of params
#347 opened by duncte123 - 2
- 10
Is it possible to use angular-l10n to support custom translations in library1 while the config for translations stays in the main app that uses library1?
#345 opened by dmdum - 8
angular-l10n used in angular component being imported from react parent application as library doesnot work
#344 opened by nishantks15 - 8
I try to use the angular-l10n library in an angular library. How can I implement it in an library and use that library with translation in my project
#307 opened by hschindler - 2
I encountered this problem: Unexpected value 'TranslateModule' imported by the module 'SharedModule'. Please add an @NgModule annotation.
#343 opened by CandyDD - 1
Opening subpages in tabs works - sometimes
#341 opened by stefan-schilling - 5
Refreshing page redirects to fallback
#340 opened by stefan-schilling - 2
Problems after Upgrading
#335 opened by djanesch - 5
Setting available languages from Database
#334 opened by leonxger - 3
[Question] Differences / Benefits vs ngx-translate?
#333 opened by Zeratoxx - 2
split big files
#331 opened by Penelope7482 - 3
feature: easily register and bundle translation data with a lazy loaded module
#328 opened by pweyrich - 2
Function calls are not supported in decorators but 'L10nTranslationModule' was called
#326 opened by benzhuo - 3
- 3
Translations blink in SSR (Angular Universal)
#310 opened by dmitriydementor - 11
Lazy loading with initialNavigation enabled
#301 opened by robisim74 - 2
possibility to configure PARSE_DATE_STYLE const. Configure full, long,medium,short options
#339 opened by hschindler - 1
- 2
Incorrect date format
#337 opened by andreiflorian - 6
How to display full name of the date?
#318 opened by ihor-zinchenko - 2
locale.language is empty, Error: angular-l10n (L10nDefaultTranslationLoader): Asset not found
#336 opened by bhaynes777 - 3
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Number format options
#329 opened by ihor-zinchenko - 1
How i can translate the word
#327 opened by ihor-zinchenko - 4
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Unit tests question
#322 opened by ihor-zinchenko - 2
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Not loading translations
#320 opened by othenos - 5
Empty string renders as missing translation
#319 opened by ruisilva450 - 1
Why I am getting this error ?? I did npm install then ng serve but every time get the same result
#315 opened by harsh599 - 2
How to Overwrite PARSE_DATE_STYLE
#314 opened by SchneMa - 2
ERROR in Directive L10nDirective in /node_modules/angular-l10n/angular-l10n.d.ts has no selector, please add it!
#313 opened by mohitmadras - 1
- 10
DateTimeFormat independent from language[-region]
#302 opened by dzena - 1
Allow override currency options
#309 opened by dvanschepdael - 3
Angular universal
#306 opened by ihor-zinchenko - 2
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Fallback when key doesn't exist
#304 opened by davidgerrard - 2
Question: override translation file used in Angular Library from Angular Application
#296 opened by danielcollettepb - 6
l10n-placeholder definitively removed ?
#297 opened by johaven - 6
ERROR angular-l10n (formatLanguage): Invalid language
#300 opened by mze9412 - 4
Browser language is not set correctly
#299 opened by Warwizza - 1
Missing 'ngOnInit' method
#298 opened by Neill83