Algorithms and Time Complexity course

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This repository contains all of the python code implementations for each topic in the course outline for Algorithms and Time Complexity

Course Outline: https://believed-bongo-319.notion.site/CCALCOMP-446b0bb09b96451982dfbb9ef00cfcef?pvs=4

Folder Name Description
Week 1 - Introduction to Analysis of Algorithms Definition, Applications and Usage
Week 2 - Graph Theory Definitions and Concepts, Applications in the real world, Problems in Graph Theory
Week 3 - Proofs Direct Proof, Proof of Induction, Proof of Contradiction, Proof of Contrapositive
Week 4 - Analysis of Algorithms and Asymptotic Notations Time Complexity and Space Complexiry, Big-O, Big-Omega and Big-Theta
Week 5 - Search Algorithms
Week 6 and 7 - Sorting Algorithms
Week 8 and 9 - Recursion and Recurrence relations Concept and description, Solving recurrence relations of recursive sorting algorithms, Solving recursive problems using recurrence relations
Week 10 - Greedy Algorithms Concept, description, and heuristics, Problems solved by greedy algorithms, Applications
Week 11 - Dynamic Programming Concept, description, and heuristics, Problems solved by DP, Applications
Week 12 - P and NP Classes Concepts and properties of P, NP classes, Equivalence of definition, P vs NP problem, Applications