Deep Learning Course

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This repository contains all of the python code implementations for each topic in the course outline for Deep Learning

Course Outline: https://believed-bongo-319.notion.site/CCDEPLRL-d9ba385d265a46c3b5c089912eeea190?pvs=4

Folder Name Topic
Week 1 - Introduction to Tensorflow and Tensorflow lite
Week 2 - Introduction to Deep Learning The perceptron, Building Neural Networks
Week 3 - Training Neural Networks Loss Optimization, Gradient Descent, Backpropagation
Week 4 and 5 - Neural Networks in Practice Mini-batches and Overfitting
Week 6 - What Computers "See" Convolution and Convolutional Neural Networks
Week 7
Week 8 and 9 - Deep Sequence Modeling Recurrent Neural Networks
Week 10 - Self Attention with Neural Networks Intuition and Application
Week 11, 12 and 13 - Deep Generative Modeling Diffusion and Large Language Models