Introduction to Intelligent Systems Course

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This repository contains all of the python code implementations for each topic in the course outline for introduction to intelligent systems

Course Outline: https://believed-bongo-319.notion.site/CCINSYSL-0ba01b779be54aea8fcb966b54d01113?pvs=4

Folder Name Topic
week_1 Basic Python Tutorial, Introduction to Google Collab and Jupyter Notebook
week_2 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
week_3 k-Nearest Neighbours (kNN)
week_4 Simple Linear Regression
week_5 Multiple Linear Regression
week_6-7 Logistic Regression
week_8 K-Means
week_9 DBScan
week_10 Introduction to Neural Networks Part 1
week_11 Neural Networks (Part 2)