This repository contains all of the python code implementations for each topic in the course outline for ADVANCED DATABASE SYSTEMS

Course Outline: https://believed-bongo-319.notion.site/CTADVDBL-e096ae8c9b03449ca84b88531e1589ee?pvs=4

Topic Description
Part 1 - Introduction
Part 1 - Relational Languages Introduction to the Relational Model, Introduction to SQL, Intermediate SQL, Advanced SQL
Part 2 - Database Design Database Design Using The E-R Model, Relational Database Design
Part 3 - Application Design and Development Complex Data Types, Application Development
Part 4 - Big Data Analytics Big Data, Data Analysis
Part 4 - Storage Management Physical Storage Systems, Data Storage Structures, Indexing
Part 5 - Querying Query Processing, Query Optimization
Part 6 - Transaction Management Transactions, Concurrent Control, Recovery System
Part 7 - Parallel and Distributed Databases Database System Architectures, Parallel and Distributed Storage, Parallel and Distributed Query Processing, Parallel and Distributed Transaction Processing
Part 8 - Advanced Topics Advanced Indexing Techniques, Advanced Application Development, Blockchain Databases
Part 9 - Online Chapters Formal-Relational Query Languages, Advanced Relational Database Design, Object-Based Databases, XML, Information Retrieval, PostgreSQL