Applications Development and Emerging Technologies course

Primary LanguageJava


This repository contains all of the code implementations for each topic in the course outline for APPLICATIONS DEVELOPMENT AND EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES

Course Outline: https://believed-bongo-319.notion.site/CTAPDEVL-1a1fe34b02c14204953164b17fe9b093?pvs=4

Folder Name Description
Week 1 - Introduction to Android Studio Installing Android Studio, Android Studio Fundamentals
Week 2 and 3 - Activity Lifecycle ID Application, Debugging your Application, Generating a Signed APK
Week 4 and 5 - User Interface Relative Layout, Linear Layout, Layout Parameters, Views, View Parameters
Week 6 and 7 - Intent Introduction to Intent, Explicit Intent, Implicit Intent, Passing Data through Intent
Week 8 and 9 - Fragments Fragments, Introduction to Fragments, RecyclerView, CardView
Week 10 and 11 - Android App Manifest Android App Manifest, Permissions, Components, Device Compatibility
Week 12 - API Calls Retrofit