Author : Anirudh Katti
The Ebook app is build on angular. Due to certain packages used being outdated the application runs angular 5 with RxJs 5.5.6. Both of them are necessary.
- The zip package contains a docker image. Running it as follows :
- The name of the docker image is "kattianirudh-eBookReader-dockerImage.tar".
- First navigate your command prompt to the location of the dockerImage file by using the ls command or by right clicking and choosing open cmd here.
- Once your cmd is open type the command docker load --input kattianirudh-eBookReader-dockerImage.tar to load the image.
- Then to run the container use the command docker run -p 80:80 kattianirudh/angularepubviewer.
- The above command will run docker on your system. You can use the application by going to the URL -> localhost:80
NOTE : To use the above commands you need to have docker setup in your system.
- Open the folder and use the command 'cd ./AngularEpubViewer' or enter the folder and right clicking and choosing open cmd here.
- Install all the NPM dependencies using the command npm install
- Then run the application by using the command ng serve.
- The application will be open in localhost:4200
NOTE : You need to have NPM before hand
NOTE: Before using the ng serve command make sure that you have NgRx version less than 5.6 installed.