This repository here encompasses projects from the MS-AZURE MACHINE LEARNING NANODEGREE PROGRAM offered by UDACITY. Image Alt Text

Summary of Project Deliverables

Optimizing an ML Pipeline in Azure

  • Completion of an ML pipeline creation and optimization task. Utilization of a custom-coded model—a standard Scikit-learn Logistic Regression—where the hyperparameters are optimized using HyperDrive. -. Application of AutoML to construct and refine a model on the same dataset, enabling a comparative analysis of results from both methodologies.

The architecture diagram as demonstrated below provides a visual representation of the logical process flow of this project. credited to Udacity's MLEMA Nanodegree.

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  • The Bank Marketing dataset from UCI ML Repository was used to train the two models.
  • Project code and artifact repository: click here
  • Tool: Azure ML Studio, Azure Python SDK, Jupyter Notebook
  • Artifact: udacity-project.ipynb,,

MLOps: Orchestrating Machine Learning Operations

  • The Bank Marketing dataset is utilized in this project.-
  • Azure is employed to configure a cloud-based machine learning production model, deploy it, and consume it.
  • A pipeline is created, published, and consumed throughout the project.
  • At the conclusion, all work is demonstrated by creating a README file and a screencast video.

This diagram visually summarizes the workflow of this project.

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Capstone Project: Predicting Patient Survival in Heart Failure with Azure Machine Learning

  • This project provides the opportunity to apply the knowledge acquired from the Nanodegree to solve an interesting problem to predict patient survial in heart failure cases.
  • Two models are created: one using Automated ML (AutoML) and one customized model with tuned hyperparameters using HyperDrive.
  • The performance of both models is compared, and the best performing model is deployed.
  • The project demonstrates the ability to utilize an external dataset in the workspace, train models using various tools within the AzureML framework, and deploy the model as a web service.

Below is a visualization illustrating the rough overview of the operations conducted in this project: Image Alt Text

  • Project code and artifact repository: click here

  • Tool: Azure ML Studio, Azure Python SDK, Jupyter Notebook

  • Artifact: automl.ipynb, hyperparameter_tuning.ipynb,, conda_env.yml,, screencast of the working ML model