
streamco coding challenge

Primary LanguageRuby

StreamCo Coding challenge


This challenge was completed with Ruby on Rails.

Also see http://robj.github.io for en example of Test Driven Development of a Versioned, RESTful API


Run with:

# rails server


Additional gems used

  • request_exception_handler (rescue JSON Parsing errors)
  • curb (test broken JSON with raw requests)


  • Setup of root route (POST / -> ShowFilters create action)


  • JSON ParseError exception handling


  • ShowFilter controller logic


  • In a real world actual application, Shows, Images, Episodes etc. would all be ActiveRecord models with relational associations. For simplification in this challenge, the Show Model is a PORO (Plain Old Ruby Object)
  • Some ActiveRecord 'behaviours' are emulated (initialization with hash, and type casting in cases the model would have had non-String field types. ie. episodeCount (Integer) and drm (Boolean).
  • The Class method 'has_episodes_and_drm' would be the equivalant of a database scope (WHERE query).
  • Also in a real world application the Instance method to_json would better be represented by a Serializer (eg. ActiveModelSerializers) to seperate presentation concerns.


Run with:

ruby -Itest test/integration/show_integration_test.rb


  • Basic MiniTest setup and support


  • Test sending the exact JSON example payload. NB JSON.parse in this test will add quotes to all values, loosing type information. TypeCasting is performed server side for neccessary fields.
  • Test 400 error message on bad request


  • The example payload

Thoughts on improving the design of the tests API to align with RESTful principles / standardisation ( http://jsonapi.org )

  • POST to /shows for each individual show instead of a single bulk POST request ShowsController#create)

    response: 201 Created, json root: show (singular)

    show: { title: 'a', image: 'b', slug: 'c' }

  • Creating many requests in parallel would probably be more effiecient in a real world scenario with a pool of api servers, is RESTful, and a bad validation of a single show does not invalidate all shows as when posted in bulk.

  • return 422 Unprocessable Entity on validation errrors, more specific than Bad Request.

  • Seperate GET request to get filtered Shows.

  • GET on the show collection with query params

    GET /shows?episodeCount.gte=1&drm=true

    response: 200 OK, json root: shows (plural)

    shows: [ { title: 'a', image: 'b', slug: 'c' }, { title: 'd', image: 'e', slug: 'f' } ]