This challenge was completed with Ruby on Rails.
Also see for en example of Test Driven Development of a Versioned, RESTful API
Run with:
# rails server
Additional gems used
- request_exception_handler (rescue JSON Parsing errors)
- curb (test broken JSON with raw requests)
- Setup of root route (POST / -> ShowFilters create action)
- JSON ParseError exception handling
- ShowFilter controller logic
- In a real world actual application, Shows, Images, Episodes etc. would all be ActiveRecord models with relational associations. For simplification in this challenge, the Show Model is a PORO (Plain Old Ruby Object)
- Some ActiveRecord 'behaviours' are emulated (initialization with hash, and type casting in cases the model would have had non-String field types. ie. episodeCount (Integer) and drm (Boolean).
- The Class method 'has_episodes_and_drm' would be the equivalant of a database scope (WHERE query).
- Also in a real world application the Instance method to_json would better be represented by a Serializer (eg. ActiveModelSerializers) to seperate presentation concerns.
Run with:
ruby -Itest test/integration/show_integration_test.rb
- Basic MiniTest setup and support
- Test sending the exact JSON example payload. NB JSON.parse in this test will add quotes to all values, loosing type information. TypeCasting is performed server side for neccessary fields.
- Test 400 error message on bad request
- The example payload
Thoughts on improving the design of the tests API to align with RESTful principles / standardisation ( )
POST to /shows for each individual show instead of a single bulk POST request ShowsController#create)
response: 201 Created, json root: show (singular)
show: { title: 'a', image: 'b', slug: 'c' }
Creating many requests in parallel would probably be more effiecient in a real world scenario with a pool of api servers, is RESTful, and a bad validation of a single show does not invalidate all shows as when posted in bulk.
return 422 Unprocessable Entity on validation errrors, more specific than Bad Request.
Seperate GET request to get filtered Shows.
GET on the show collection with query params
GET /shows?episodeCount.gte=1&drm=true
response: 200 OK, json root: shows (plural)
shows: [ { title: 'a', image: 'b', slug: 'c' }, { title: 'd', image: 'e', slug: 'f' } ]