ACEFA Website

Repository for the website for ACEFA - the Australian Consortium for Epidemic Forecasting & Analytics.

Instructions for contributing to this repository

A note on branches

This github pages website is built with quarto. It is configured so that it publishes the website via the gh-pages branch (see publishing quarto websites for more detail).

This branch should never be modified manually.

Setting up

  1. Fork this repo into personal GitHub account > you must untick the option to "Copy main branch only" as you need both branches.
Screenshot 2024-02-16 at 2 21 25 pm
  1. Navigate to your fork[YOURUSERNAME]/ and clone a local version to your machine
  2. Open new project from version control in local RStudio
  3. Configure your remote repository:
  • list remotes
git remote -v
> origin[YOURUSERNAME]/ (fetch)
> origin[YOURUSERNAME]/ (push)
  • add upstream
git remote add upstream
  • verify upstream has been added by checking remotes again
git remote -v
 > origin[YOURUSERNAME]/ (fetch)
 > origin[YOURUSERNAME]/ (push)
 > upstream (fetch)
 > upstream (push)

Making changes

  1. Before beginning new work, make sure your fork is up to date with the remote:

    # fetch from upstream repo
    git fetch upstream main
    # then merge
    git merge upstream/main
  2. Make your changes. The key files to modify for content will all be .qmd (quarto) files:

  • index.qmd is the file for the main landing page
  • about.qmd is the file for the "Team" tab
  • pillars/ folder contains decision-support.qmd, methods-and-tools.qmd, data.qmd, and engagement.qmd, the main roles of the consortium.
  • _quarto.yml contains higher level organisation for the website
  • .css and .scss files contain style code
  • images/ folder stores all images used as thumbnails or as figures

Remember to preview your changes with the 'Render' button, or with quarto render in the terminal.

  1. When you're happy with the changes, commit and push to origin all changes.

  2. Create pull request on GitHub. Once a pull request is merged, the website will be republished automatically using a Github Action that has been configured in the main repository.